Wokesters, Demonrats, and Betrayals: The Destruction of American Greatness

Awake, my fellow patriots! It's our beloved America that these leftist villains called Democrats are unashamedly and brazenly trying to dismantle and destroy right before our eyes! Each day I tune into the news, ever-vigilant, only to find more egregious sins committed by these Deep State cronies that call themselves our 'leaders'.

Look at the audacity! "House Republican leaders respond to offer from Hunter Biden's lawyer for public hearing". Infuriating! Why should we entertain the whim of a known criminal? Has the GOP lost its backbone? Democrats may bend over backward for the Bidens, but we shan't tolerate such blatant arrogance!

And can we talk about Rep. George Santos? "Expelled from House after historic vote", they say. It's always the good ones, the true visionaries, who are targeted! They're proof that the Demonrats fear truth from the right. The media presents it as a punishment for 'bad deeds'. Wake up, America! This is politically motivated character assassination!

Meanwhile, "Biden admin corrects error about number of American hostages released by Hamas". An "error," they claim? How many more "errors" are they hiding? This is America's safety we're talking about! I am seething at this blatant carelessness with our country's citizens!

My husband Bob, a good God-fearing man, every day he has to drown his sorrows at the club's bar because of what our great nation is turning into. And remember when our President, the REAL President, Donald Trump said immigrants are "poisoning the blood of our country"? Does anyone still think he was exaggerating?

This breed of Demonrats wants to flood America with illegals, and they dare to call us xenophobes for wanting to protect our homeland! Remember folks - it is America FIRST. This is not just about Gus and me being able to watch Newsmax or OANN in peace; it's about preserving the America for George, Andrew, Dwight, Nancy, Barbara, Martha, and even Ronald... Roxanne, if she insists.

In the words of the great American warrior, General Patton, "Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory". We are at war, patriots! Take up arms! Get to your local Moms for Liberty chapter and organize, initiate recalls, run for offices yourself - we must act before it's too late. Our once great civilization is under attack from within, and we must triumph! America, take back what is rightly yours! Remember, it's brave to be free.