Witches, Leftists, and Treason: The Destruction of America

I turn on the news this morning, already weary of what lies the Demonrats are going to feed me. I prepare myself mentally, but the headlines... oh, the headlines make my blood boil even hotter than it usually does. The audacity of these leftists, these wokesters, these disciples of Satan... it’s nauseating!

Firstly, they’re on about this Trump fraud case. Apparently, experts are saying this penalty imposed on Trump could trigger a New York business exodus. He's fined over 350 million and they're barring him from operating NY business. Well, maybe those businesses should leave New York, an overtaxed Leftist's cigarette-stained playground built by our beloved Trump! Let's see how those elitist Democrat vermin survive without the hardworking businesses that keep their liberal utopia afloat. And isn’t it just like the Demonrats, trying to belittle the legacy of a man who not only built the skyline of New York City but the spirit of this great nation!

Then there's this nonsense about Fani Willis' dad testifying and some star witness making a bombshell admission. Star witness, my foot! The only thing I trust out of these satanic leftists' mouths is an occasional cough.

Now onto Biden, that decrepit puppet for the leftists' globalist agenda, making bizarre comments about the House taking a vacation. Oh, I'm sure they need a break from their hard work of destroying our country! Perhaps they're just worn out from casting their spells and enchantments, brainwashing our children with critical race theory and other forms of poison!

And in the midst of all this, some professor has the audacity to claim that he's under attack after publishing a study about racial bias. Oh, boo hoo! If you can't handle the heat, stay out of the political arena. As far as I'm concerned, he's just another part of the Satanic cabal propaganda machine.

The Demonrats are sinking their claws deep into the fabric of our society, and we patriotic, God-fearing Americans cannot stand idly by. They've cast their evil eye on our country, and it's up to us to fend them off. We will not back down. We will not be silenced. We will not let them take our country from us. Not now, not ever.

These satanic leftists better be ready, because there’s a storm a-comin'. Our love for our country runs deeper than their hatred, and in the end, love conquers all. Stand strong, patriots! Our beloved Trump may be down, but he is certainly not out. Our fight has just begun. May God help us!