Where's The Outrage, Patriots?!

The radical leftists, Democrat elitists, and satanists of today’s America are pulling fast ones on us while we sleep and watch our beloved country crumble. I’ve seen the news headlines today and I'm seething in anger.

Our so-called "President" Biden and his Demonrat pawnmasters are all too happy to see our proud military families cancel hotel stays before the Army-Navy game due to the pathetic border policy! We've got military families having to bow down to the influx of illegals, while the blood of our heroes isn't even dry on the ground in Afghanistan. As a mother of seven patriotically named children, including my son George, who served with pride, these headlines don't just hurt, they hit home.

Next, we've got terrorist sympathizers the likes of lefty Jayapal dismissing the horrifying reality of terrorists violating women. This is the same maniacs we're supposed to trust leading our country?! You won't find that kind of nonsense in any meeting of our Moms for Liberty chapter! Women should be revered, not reviled and certainly not dismissed!

And let's not forget about this teen's ISIS-inspired attack on Las Vegas. I owned a gun store for decades, Goodman's Guns and Grills, providing Americans with the means to protect themselves from these vermin. Now we're finding out that the FBI is having to work overtime to protect us from our own youth - brainwashed by these leftist nutjobs and their demonic ideology.

The cold truth of it is, they're ripping our country apart, they're infecting our kids with their godforsaken Critical Race Theory, they're allowing immigrants to flood our borders, and they're bowing down to a radicalized terrorist threat!

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Share this message, patriots! Stand tall against these destructive policies and evil ideologies! We Must Rise! Take our country back, inch by inch, home by home, child by child. We must vigilant, never wavering, never doubting our duty or our purpose! Stay mad, stay informed, and STAY ANGRY. This is America, not some radical leftist playpen. And remember folks, each sunrise is one closer to putting Donald Trump, our rightful President, back in the White House where he belongs! This is OUR America. Let's take it back!