We the People Need to Stand Up Against the Radical Left's War on America

What a day it's been, my fellow patriots! I've just finished reading some headlines and boy, am I fired up. If we're not careful, the radical leftists, Demonrat elitists, satanists, and wokesters are going to destroy our beautiful America from the inside!

First off, Hamas terrorists are surrendering. Sounds like good old-fashioned justice, doesn't it? WRONG. Those cowardly fiends are just biding their time, waiting to strike again when we least expect it. And Netanyahu is falling for it, just like the RINOs he's cozying up to in Congress. Wake up, America!

Meanwhile, in woke Harvard, a bunch of pansy intellectuals are demanding the president be fired just for speaking his mind! Let's not pretend we don't know what kind of "remarks" they're referring to. It's getting to the point where you can't open your mouth without some lefty snowflake crying foul.

And look at this, Sheila "Demonrat" Jackson Lee has finally shown her true colors as a bully, getting her butt handed to her by a real American in a landslide victory. Good riddance, Lee! We need to sweep all the rot out of the system, starting with the toxic Democrats poisoning the heart and soul of our nation.

Finally, a sad note. Mama June's daughter Anna entered the Lord's kingdom after a brave fight against the big C. Let's keep her in our prayers.

America, are you as mad as I am? Are you tired of letting the Demonrats, wokesters, and satanists infiltrate and destroy the America we know and love?

Well then, here's what we're going to do. We're going to stand up. We're going to make America great again. We're going to speak out against the leftist mob that wants to silence us.

This is a call to action, patriots! I implore you not just as a fellow American, but as a Mom for Liberty, an ex-business owner who sold guns and grills to freedom-loving citizens – we need to take our country back! Vote out the Demonrats, boycott "woke" businesses, and never stop fighting for the values that make America the greatest country on Earth. And for the love of all things holy, keep your TV remotes out of reach of your yappy little mutts. America, are you with me?