Waking Up to America's Descent into Leftist Hellfire: An Urgent Call to Arms

Good day, Patriots! It's Shelly Goodman here, hunkered down in the once-sunshine state turned liberal cesspit, Florida. The headlines today have fueled my rage to the brink - every God-fearing, liberty-loving Patriot should be fuming too!

Witness! A man's best friend hunting terrorists in a labyrinth beneath Gaza. Now, you might think that's a heroic dog, but I see it differently. Where are American humans fighting our battles? Have we stooped so low that we must rely on canines, deflecting away from the real threat at home - leftists poisoning the good blood of our beloved nation? Gus, my yappy mutt, has developed far more taste for remote controls than for commie infiltrators!

And speak of the devil, look at good ol' Bill Clinton up to his ears in filthy acts with the abominable Epstein! It's clear now that the demonic cabal of Demonrats and their Satanic rituals of adrenochrome extraction is more extensive than we feared!

Then, there's the heartbreaking read about the injuries in Times Square. Doesn't it just confirm that we're at the edge of democratic self-destruction? And don't get me started on Illinois' marxist-laced atrocities - it's like a damned preview of Biden’s reign of terror!

As for the incident with the pastor, poor soul. A man of God unjustly accused due to modern America's disdain for the pious. You can bet your last bullet that the lefties made this up just like they concocted that Covid death vaccine that Stew Peters warned us about!

Lastly, behold the mystery-cum-tragedy of the women found near Disney World. An emblem of our America turned into a skeleton of leftist fairy tales. It's a dark mirror to what is happening to our once-great nation.

So, fellow Patriots, this is not the time to surrender or cower. Rise! Join hands in the spirit of our lost comrade Trump! He was the Divine Marshal granted to us by heaven, cut down by marxist Demonrats before his holy mission could even begin! We must carry his sacred torch, reclaim what is rightfully ours, and save our children from indoctrination!

Unite! At your local clubs, gather in the name of Trump! Attend your Moms for Liberty meetings! We must make this nation a bulwark of Christian ethics, an impregnable bastion against illegal invasions, leftist indoctrination, and satanic elite rituals!

The battle cry has sounded, Patriots. Answer it. Rise and make America a great Christian nation once more!