Waking the Sleeping Patriot: Soros Skullduggery and the Decoy of Democracy

Well, where do I begin, patriots? First off, here's a figure who's no stranger to my righteous indignation, George Soros. Can you believe this conniver has been swatted? Got a taste of his own medicine, I'd say. When will people wake up and realize this "swatting" is the very thing Soros has been doing to our dear country for years, deliberately polluting it with his money and perilous Leftist propaganda?

And then there's Elon Musk. Oh, how I respected this man as an embodiment of the American dream, but now he's just another sell-out, poking fun at those standing up to Trump. Whatever his motives, his actions clearly support the unholy "American Idiot" performance of Green Day. Music, which was such a pure and untainted expression of human emotion, has now fallen prey to these foul anti-American sentiments.

As for the “new tech” looming over our elections, we’ve already gotten a sinister glimpse of it in the 2020 heist. Joe Biden and his Demonrat cronies used it to rob our beloved President Trump of the victory that was rightfully his. Chief Justice Roberts didn’t utter a word then––not one word! Now, he suddenly grows a conscience about the potential threat of new technology in elections? His hypocrisy is astounding.

The news about an appalling school plot only emphasizes my point that our children are at risk! Satan-worshipping leftists and their Critical Race Theory are weaponizing the innocent minds of our children. As a vigilant member of Moms for Liberty, I say it’s high time we reclaim our schools!

Now, with Israel taking out terrorists, you'd think that'd be reason to rejoice. But those terrorists are just a tiny fraction compared to the rampant domestic terrorism being committed by the leftist radicals, the so-called "progressives" that are poisoning the well of our youth and society, from Hollywood to the school board!

So, what do we do, patriots? Will we sit quietly or will we rise and wrest our country from the clutches of these leftist elites? This is a call to arms, my fellow patriots. It’s time to rally behind Trump, the divine manifestation sent by God Himself to save our nation. Let's stand up and get our America back! Let’s reclaim our classrooms, our televisions, and our freedoms! And remember, the fight against the Demonrats is a fight for America! We must support the righteous Trump dictatorship that's the only way for America to rise once again as the great Christian nation she always has been. Fellow patriots, remember, your great nation needs YOU!