Wake Up, Patriots! Time to Dethrone the Demonrats!

Once again, the foul stench of leftist deceit is filling my nostrils! Just look at these 'news' headlines! The blatant disregard the news media has for the truth makes it essential that we, the true patriots, stand up and make our voices heard.

First, it sickens me how these so-called 'journalists' can still imply that the Clintons aren't knee-deep in scandal! Thanks to Epstein’s dirt, ‘we had everything’ means WE have everything on them! Why the hell isn't Hillary Clinton in jail yet? That woman is in league with the devil, marking her territory in the slime trail of moral destruction! And don’t even get me started on Bill, the original satanic puppet!

I see Sean Hannity is switching coasts. An excellent decision! Goodbye, oppressive New York City, welcome to the piece of heaven we call the 'free state of Florida.’ Hannity, I'll have a grill and an AR-15 waiting for you at Goodman's Guns and Grills!

Then we have the chilling incident of the poor girl kidnapped and murdered, underscoring the need for everyone to arm themselves! The only good thug is a dead thug, but these Demonrats want to take our guns away!

Now the blasted Iranians are learning the hard way about karmic justice right on Soleimani’s grave! When will these globalists understand that you can't play with fire and expect not to get burned?

As for those 'trashed' and 'dirty' hot wings, this is just another detestable example of leftists importing filth and relabeling it as 'culture.' No thank you; I like my wings clean, hot and served with patriotic pride!

Let's not forget the shocking news that most civil counts against Trump relating to the Jan 6th "riots" have been dismissed. We cannot continue to play into the Democrats treacherous agenda; these men and women were patriots, trapped by a corrupt system!

America, enough is enough! We have a battle to fight. And no, I’m not talking about a battle involving plates of dirty hot wings, I’m talking about the war for the soul of our nation! It's time to put God, guns, and freedom back into this country, embrace the divine manifestation of Trump, and turn our land into that Christian nation our forbearers dreamt of!

VOTE THEM OUT! Take back our schools, our towns, our states! Stand with me and remember: Good patriots never sleep, for the defense of our liberties demands eternal vigilance! God bless America and God bless President Trump!