Wake Up, Patriots! The Time of Reckoning Is At Hand

Well, wouldn't you know it, my blood is boiling hotter than the grill out back when Bob's cooking his infamous "freedom franks." I just finished browsing the news and let me tell you, it's more of the same from these damned Demonrats and their Hollywood pedophile buddies. Bill Clinton, who I still remember as the sleaziest playboy to ever darken the White House's door, is allegedly pressuring magazines to twist the so-called coverage about his shady escapades with Epstein, a known pedophile. And how about those A-list celebrity perverts keep popping up in these unsealed Epstein documents, rubbing shoulder with the Democrats. Looks like the rot goes deeper than we thought, doesn't it?

And as if all these weren't enough, the gall of Mayorkas to outright ADMIT they're dumping "a million" – that's SEVEN zeros, for those of you who lost count in the flood of 'illegals' – in our fair country each year, without so much as a how do you do or a simple health check. Is it a surprise that our once-great nation is falling into decay amidst the rampant mismanagement and intentional degradation of our Christian values?

Let's not kid ourselves, folks. Satan's grip tightens around the throats of our innocent children, aided and abetted by a government that bows to the alter of CRT and rejects the word of God. They blindly jab needles into our flesh with absolutely ZERO regard for our health or our freedom! They claim to protect the weak while they literally bend the knee to the Chinese communists and the radical left.

Well, I've had enough. I'm calling on all patriots, those who still believe that America is the land of the free and the home of the brave – we can't just sit idle while our great nation is being torn to shreds by evil hands. It's time to rally behind the real leader, behind the man chosen by God to save America, our beloved Donald J. Trump. It's time to prepare for the fight of our lives for the soul of America. Because the real crisis isn't migrants, or vaccines, or even these damn woke freaks running wild; it's the slow death of conservative, Christian American values.

Freedom isn't free, patriots! So rise up, and get your bell, book, and candle – because I guarantee this is going to be a bonfire that no satanist, no elitist, and no 'illegal' can put out! It's time to take back our country, for liberty, for justice, for Trump! God bless you, and God bless the always-free United States of America.