Wake Up, Patriots: The Striking Down of America and Our Duty to Fight Back!

I sit here before my television, once more aghast, not having nearly enough remotes to switch the channels due to my nightmarish mutt Gus's insatiable appetite for them. Today's news is another unbearable testament to the progressive slander against American values, white people, and our salvation, Donald J. Trump - proving once again that our beloved country is under the grimy talons of leftist elites and these radical Demonrats. It's a dark day for every God-fearing patriot, it's Sodom 2.0, and y'all know how that story ended.

Would you believe the audacity of the Boston mayor? Excluding white folks from a holiday party! The nerve! When will this madness stop? Diversity is one thing but carving the cream out of the coffee ain't the solution. Our America is built on the principle of equality for all, not just for those who fit the leftist's narrative. We'll not stand for this daylight mockery of what our Founding Fathers fought so hard to establish.

And now, the Demonrats are crying impeachment – Just another example of these heathens gunning for anyone who stands up to their corruption. Biden is no saint, sure, but let's focus on the real demonic force - the high-ranking Democrats, juiced up on stolen adrenochrome, puppeteering this circus. I bet my finest grill, straight from Goodman's Guns and Grills, that if a proper investigation was made into their illegal activities, we'd be looking at more heads rolling than during the Reign of Terror.

Don't even get me started on the disappearance of law and order. A leader of a sacred house of God, murdered in her own synagogue. It's another addition to the growing catalog of evils committed under the lackadaisical watch of these Biden enablers. These sanctuaries were made to be safe, to be holy, not the scenes of such devastating crimes. Trapped by our looted borders, we're living in the Wild West again, with every Tom, Dick, and Harry brandishing a firearm with no regard for life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness.

And let's say a word about Donald J. Trump's son; another depiction of the left's relentless witch hunt. Can't a man make a mistake these days without being lynched by a rabble of woke harpies? The man got lost, for God's sake! Meanwhile, the real criminals—These so-called ‘illegals,’ poison the life-blood of our nation and that ungrateful son of mine, Ronald...ugh 'Roxanne,' traipses around San Franscisco exploiting the Democrats’ toxic site of liberalism.

Listen up, people, it's time we put our foot down. This ain't the America our children, George, Andrew, Dwight, Ronald—Roxanne—Nancy, Barbara, and Martha, were born into. This ain't the America we prospered in, the America we bled for. So let's rise up, patriots; let's cage this wave of 'wokeness,' drain this swamp, and reclaim our nation. Remember, a nation divided against itself cannot stand. We need to join forces, to brandish the torch of liberty and illuminate the pathway to an America undiluted by the inane rhetoric of leftists and spurious globalists.

God Bless You, and God Bless America.