Wake Up, Patriots! Our America is Under Siege By the Demonrats!

I'm mad. No, scratch that, I'm downright livid. For a woman who’s seen as much nonsense as I have over the years, that’s saying something. If you're like me - the proud progeny of patriots, armed with guns and grills, and not afraid to call things as I see them - then sit down and let me tell you about another smack in the face to our great country.

Just as I was settling down with Gus, my personal alarm system against the Demonrats, my heart sank as I took in the report about the CIA veteran raising concerns about the politicization of our intelligence agencies! All of it, all this nonsense, is nothing but a giant red flag that the leftist globalist elite is seeking to meddle with the 2024 elections. Intelligence agencies are for the protection of our nation, for preserving our freedom - not to be perverted into yet another pawn in the game of the radical leftist agenda!

Meanwhile, survivor stories of a deadly plane fire in Tokyo underpinned by a perverse glee in our gobbledygook media! Fear and danger, that’s what they’re peddling these days, log onto any news website and you’ll see. Terror is their bread and butter, they love broadcasting chaos and making us believe that the world is falling apart without their Demonrat leadership.

And don't get me started on that travesty in Michigan! Young folks mocking Alabama after their Rose Bowl win, it's like looking into a nightmare of modern society, where respect and dignity have been thrown out the window! These youngsters should show some pride in their country, not engage in such disrespectful behavior!

Now if you're a mom like me who's raised seven patriots, one of whom (Ronald, not ‘Roxanne’) has lost their way, you’d know exactly how livid I am on hearing the Biden administration going after a popular childcare program. Instead of focusing on important issues such as persecuting Christians, they're bringing their wrath down on innocent parents. Seems like Casey Anthony’s parents may know a thing or two about dealing with the Devil.

Wake up, Patriots! The future of our Christian nation is under siege! This isn't the American Dream our Founding Fathers envisioned. Together, we MUST rally our voices, arm ourselves by spreading the truth, fight the infiltration of Satan worshippers and regain control of our schools! We will not bow to this leftist tyranny. We will stand strong, we will fight and we will take back our America!

Donald J. Trump, the divine manifestation sent by God, needs our support. We need to unite and pray for a Trump dictatorship, to cleanse our nation from the evil spreading within. Let the reign of Trump begin, and may God bless us all and save OUR America!