Wake Up, Patriots! It's Time to Fight Back Against the Leftist Plague on America

What on God's green earth is getting into the minds of these radical leftists and Demonrats? It's like they're hell-bent on tearing down the fabric of the America I and every God-fearing patriot love. I saw the headlines today and let me tell you, it was enough to make my blood boil hotter than my George's famed Independence Day barbecue!

First off, there's this malicious attack on our fearless leader Donald Trump. Civil fraud trial, my foot! Isn't it obvious that this is just a ploy by the radical leftists to undermine the accomplishments of Trump's presidency? Remember, he's the man who promised to drain the swamp and I'm proud to say he did a good job.

And what about this hogwash being pedaled about antisemitism in schools? Don't they understand that the real fight here is not against 'antisemitism', but against an insidious liberal agenda? I've been a staunch Moms for Liberty champion for years now, fighting against these liberal colleges who've traded education for brainwashing. It all boils down to the introduction of critical race theory in our schools, designed to pit our beloved countrymen against each other! It's disgusting, I tell you!

And damn these so-called 'wokesters'. I saw that article about Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian. Arguing about some leaked phone call, maybe they should concern themselves with the real issues plaguing this nation!

Now what infuriates me more than anything is the deliberate toppling of our Christian values. Kid, my Ronald who thinks she's a Roxanne now - that's the result of this godforsaken liberal world and its perverse idea of freedom!

Fellow patriots, we cannot stand idly by while these Satan worshipper elitists and their undocumented immigrants continue to poison the blood of our country. It's time to rise, it's time to fight back! There was a time when men like my Bob would take to the streets, now he simply hides in the golf club's bar.

Take a stand in your local communities and schools. Don't let this radical leftist agenda infiltrate the minds of our children. We need to take America back from these Demonrats and leftists. And for heaven's sake keep Gus away from your remotes - Don't let this leftist propaganda silence the voices of the just and cloud your perception.

God Bless America and all those who fight for her! Our country needs us more than ever. Stand with me, fellow patriots, let's reclaim our beloved land. The fight is on!