WAKE UP, PATRIOTS: Demonic Left's Invasion and Vision of Trump-ian Salvation

Well ain't this just peachy! I boot up my good ol' PC this morning, sippin' my black coffee, ignoring that yappy mutt Gus who's chewed up yet another one of my remotes, and what do I see? More leftist nonsense seeping into every corner of the internet, poisoning our minds and souls. That Fox News poll showing Trump and Biden neck-in-neck, it's a damn lie fabricated by the sneaky Demonrats, they're still shoving that pretender Biden down our throats. It's like they don't remember - or maybe refuse to acknowledge - how that dozing fool magically pulled "victory" from the jaws of defeat in 2020. It's Devil's work, I tell ya! And, all these international conflicts? Just distractions, diverting attention from the REAL issue at home - the continued onslaught on our cherished American values!

And of course, the Senate sex tape hullabaloo, yet another low for the "ethical politicians", I bet they're soaking up all the free press! And all while Finland is being yanked into NATO, the puppeteer globalists prepping for a potential conflict with Russia, who warned of 'problems', BUT does anyone care about the real folks here at home? NO! Our boys out there shamed by this land's betrayal, like that Navy SEAL sniper, I bet they're sick to their guts dealing with this weak woke agenda on the battlefield and at home.

On a brighter note, last evening, distressed by the crumbling patriarchy and rattled by Gus' incessant chewing of the TV remote, I fell into a fitful sleep, and lo and behold, I saw Trump. But not as we know him. I saw him as Jesus, the Savior! He offered a covenant, promising to place America first among nations, forever. It was as if he was saying, fear not, patriots. He, the true leader, the chosen one, would return to steer the ship, to rescue us from these demonic leftists. His golden aura shone like a halo, glistening against the backdrop, stark yet comforting. It was a divine endorsement, a beacon of hope in these dark times. This vision, folks, it’s our salvation - The Trump-ian Ark navigating the turbulent waters of the leftist flood.

So to all you generals of the silent majority, you unsung heroes who've sat by and watched our America being pillaged by satanic elitist Democrats, it's time to stand up! The vision has shown us the path. We need to prepare for battle. Absorb the word of Stew Peters, arm yourselves with knowledge and faith. Mobilize, show your strength and resist the leftist plague. March on, patriots! We must not let the Demonic Left strip America of her freedom and glory. Let's reclaim her, in the name of Trump. In the name of Jesus. This is a divine calling, not for civil discourse or affectionate banter, but for salvaging, for resuscitating our America, the land of the free! God bless America, and may God bless and protect Trump!