Wake Up, America: The Left's Terror Tactics and the March to Our Destruction

Angry, you ask? You bet your sweet bippy, I am angry. I am livid, and for darn good reason too!

The sneaky liberal elites, those hell-bent Demonrats, are again using their satanic tactics to wrestle our beautiful nation from its rightful owners. Terror seems to be their latest tool - from Israeli hostages held by Hamas, to pandemonium mid-air due to a loose creature. Do you not see a pattern here? Or are your eyes closed to this terrifying encroachment, America?

Furthermore, did you notice how Trump, our true and righteous leader, called out the incompetence of the US leadership? While I sold guns and grills out of Goodman's, I knew how important it was to call out a bad piece. President Trump is doing just that. But the mainstream media, infected by their leftist loyalties, will never report THAT truth, will they?

And then we have Trudeau, that sorry excuse for a world leader, blaming 'American MAGA' for his inability to marshal his own political cronies. It's downright pathetic. Like Ronald... Uh, I mean Roxanne. Ronald was a good name, a strong President's name, but that girl in San Francisco – she doesn’t know a darn thing about what’s strong and right!

Now it's up to us, Patriots. We must stand up, we must fight against this leftist globalist agenda; whether it is in the form of indoctrination of our children, the wrongful vilification of the proud MAGA movement, or the underhanded slander of our beloved Trump. The seeds are being sown right here in our country for a dangerous future overrun with illegals and devoid of freedom.

I implore you - take action, join a local chapter of Moms for Liberty, and let us band together against this dark tide threatening our way of life. Fight for your children, your grandchildren - for George, Andrew, Dwight, Nancy, Martha, Barbara, and even for my dear misguided Ronald.

Our America is under siege. Wake up, Patriots. And let's take back our country! Bob, that lazy good-for-nothing, won’t help, but I know there’s strength in the rest of us. We’ve faced down worse, survived, even thrived! Today, we must thrive again. Fight against the infiltration, fight against the brainwashing. Raise a rifle, raise a voice – but damn it, raise SOMETHING.

God bless you. And God bless America.