Wake Up, America! The Left Continues Their Sinister Agenda

Greetings, fellow patriots! I'm Shelly Goodman, a retired gun and grill store owner, a mother to seven beautiful children (named after US presidents, mind you), and now a full-time watchtower for our American values being trampled upon daily by these Demonrats.

As I sat down, armed with my remote firmly clutched away from my mutt, Gus, with the 24-hour news flickering in my living room, I saw it yet again - the continuous and targeted assault on our values, on our freedom, on our America. One glance at today's headlines, and my blood boils, my heart aches! The Demonrats and their minions are pulling these strings, leading us to an unrecognizable rotten future.

Look at how they glorify Biden, this man who stole his way into the White House, getting a sympathy card because some nut probably had too many and drove into Biden's motorcade! Where's the sympathy for us, the true, God-fearing American patriots being robbed of our voices? And did you see that it's only conservative outlets daring to expose the filth seeping from Senate offices? The mainstream media chooses silence, but we will not!

I was aghast to see our entertainment being tainted with irrational hate. A movie trailer blatantly declaring "White people" as the most dangerous creatures? Are these not the very shades of prejudice and venom they claim to fight against? This warped narrative is a stubborn stain on our culture, mocking everything this country - my country - stands for.

Just this morning, our allies in Israel face the ever-present threat of Hamas and Hezbollah. Instead of supporting them, our left-leaning cities are bathed in anti-Israel slogans. It all just stinks of the globalist agenda, doesn't it?

I implore you fellow patriots, it's time to face the harsh truth! Our country is under siege by those we once considered our own. This is not the America I fought to protect! Enough with their 'woke' ideologies, their blatant betrayal of America's founding principles, and their vile worship of satanic cabals.

We WILL not stand by! We need to rally, to protect our values, our homes, our children from this indoctrination! We must take action NOW. This is not just a fight, it's THE fight. This is about preserving the America we know and love for our children, for George, Andrew, Ronald(even if he does insist on being called Roxanne), Dwight, Nancy, Barbara, and Martha.

We stood by Trump, we stood by the truth, and so should you! They may be vermin, poisoning our country, but we are the antidote, the antidote born of our faith in God and the second amendment.

God bless us all, as we stand together to take back America! Wake up, America! We are the gatekeepers of freedom - and the gate is under attack. Defending it - that's our divine duty. Stand tall, patriots. Our country needs us. Now more than ever.