Wake Up America: The Fight for Our Freedom is Now!

Well, well, well, if it ain't the Demonrats at it again, trying their damnedest to tear down our great patriot, President Trump. Right before he was about to testify in the belly of the beast, New York City, they probably cooked up another witch hunt to bring him down. Still licking their wounds from 2020, when millions of us voted for Trump, only to have him stolen away by Sleepy Joe Biden and his corrupt cohorts!

And who's giving them the platform? The vile, Jew-hating SNL! Just who do they think they are, these loathsome, godless comedians? Their latest skit on college presidents' antisemitism testimony? Nothing but a disgrace! Mocking a long suffering and persecuted faith like this – that's your leftist mainstream media for you! They're really the pit vipers of this censorship, keeping the truth and the patriots gagged and bound.

And what's next? A new virus from ticks in California? Or is it another twist in the grand plot to keep us all tethered to their "science" and fear-induced obedience? 'Member what happened to my boy, Gus? Had him vaccinated and he's been eyeballing remotes like they're prime rib and yapping nonstop ever since! And guess what, fellow patriots? That’s exactly what that damn vaccine is doing to people. Turning 'em into zombies who're ready to throw away their freedoms.

Then there's the former "most beautiful man" who has decided to ditch his modeling career for God. Well, good for him! But, why isn't he being hailed a hero? Because he’s turned to God, that's why! Let me tell you, all you persecutors out there, us Christians aren't backing down.

My Ronald -or as he likes to call himself now, Roxanne- lives in liberal infested San Francisco, and has been taken in by the leftist agenda hook, line, and sinker. Let me tell you a thing or two about these leftists. They're poisoning society's blood with their warped ideologies, and very soon, we may lose more of our children to their cruel brainwashing. It’s heartbreaking, I tell you!

Patriots, grills may be my past, but guns are our present. The original George and Andrew knew it, and my own boys George and Andrew know it now. Time to rise, people! We've gotta take back what's ours, before they snatch it away forever. It's time for us to lock, load, and reclaim our future from the clenched jaws of the Demonic Demonrats! Stand and Fight, Patriots! This has been Shelly Goodman, signing off. And God bless you, and God bless America!