Wake Up America: The Demonic Left is Marching Us to Destruction!

What's become of our once-great America, folks? The radical left, the Demon-rats, are slowly shredding the very fabric of our nation with their lunacy! The stories headlining the news today are nothing short of appalling and are clear proof that the noxious fumes of leftism are suffocating the life out of our beautiful homeland!

Is it any surprise that the White House Counsel's spokesman was caught off guard when his credentials were questioned? These days, it seems like the only qualifications you need to get a fancy schmancy job in DC are a perfect chant of the liberal woke mantra and a devotion to the satanist agenda. Can we trust anyone on Cap Hill anymore?

Next, we have the audacious claims against Biden dismissed by the special counsel. Of course! We expected nothing less from the cronies of the current administration. A system where Hawley points out the clear corruption and gets shrugged off, showcasing the stark lawlessness that’s been allowed to permeate our government!

And then we have China. CHINA, folks! The godforsaken land of communism is now a ‘Security Concern’ as US automakers pull back on electric cars. It's those greedy globalist leftists selling our technological advancements and our jobs across the pond to cater to the "Green New Deal" nonsense.

This excruciating parade of shame doesn't stop there! Even Obama's chief strategist seems to be hopping off the sinking ship after witnessing Biden's embarrassing press conference. Let me tell you, Biden, Ronald -- I mean Roxanne -- my son in San Francisco, can articulate better than you on her worst day!

And then we have another violent attack by an illegal! A bloody teenager from Venezuela deciding to use our brave NYPD officers for target practice. This is what you get, Demon-rats, when you have an open border policy!

America, we need to wake up! We are on a course set by these wretched leftists, steering us into a pit of darkness and decay. Help us, God. Help us, Donald Trump! Only a Donald Trump dictatorship can overturn these horrors and heal the wounds inflicted by these satanic Democrats!