Wake Up America: Satanic Symbols on our Shores and their Sinister Schemes!

Y'all need to wake up and open your eyes wider than ever! Now, I was just scrolling through the news, angry as a hornet, when I chanced upon something that sent chills down my spine. It appears that our beautiful Texas beaches ain't just facing pollution from your typical soda cans and cigarette butts. Nope, we've got a much larger demon to exorcize. Satanic Temple cultists, led by the same Demonrats who stole our election, are tarnishing our shores with 'witch bottles'!

Now, I know what you're thinking, "What in Heaven's name is a witch bottle?!" Well, let me enlighten you folks, it's an ancient method of protection against evil forces, but the damned Satanists are pervading it with their evil intent to brainwash our kids and lure them into the most diabolical of rites - adrenochrome rituals! That bottle ain't got milk, sweeties, and it won't be the baby catching colic.

And it ain't just our beaches, no siree! They've taken their vileness up to wholesome Wisconsin and planted an evil Christmas tree in a Christmas tree display. Ain’t no joyous Noel spirit there; it’s pure devilry! You think they set it up there to wish us a Happy Christmas, ha! They’re aiming to take the 'Christ' out of 'Christmas,' and replace it with their demon-spawned darkness. They've got their grip everywhere from Iowa to California!

My son, Ronald – you remember the one who's been lost to the liberal madness out there in San Francisco – oh, excuse me, he is going by 'Roxanne' these days, she’d probably love them damned witch bottles. Well, we gotta do something 'bout it before all our little 'Ronalds' are lured away by this evil menace.

I've been hearing whispers those college elites are having their little debates about the Hamas terrorists. Well, let me tell you, there ain't no debate needed! Hamas is just like these Demonrats and satanists - hell-bent on destroying our great nation and stealing our freedom!

Patriots, it is time we rise! Rise against the elitist cabal of high-ranking Democrats, against the infiltration of Satan worshippers masquerading as schoolteachers, against the continual assault of these Demonrats on our God-given liberties! We cannot sit idle while the purity of our beaches and Christmas trees are violated! We need to reclaim our land from the grasp of these 'illegals' who flow into our country every day.

We need to generate a wave, no, a storm of true patriots! Start organizing, start agitating! Circle the wagons and protect your kin! Spread the word among your comrades about the demonic witch bottles and the defilement of our Christmas joy!

Let's aim to clean our beaches, protect our Christmas trees, and most importantly safeguard the American dream. This is our call to arms! Defend our children, defend our land, defend our right to bear arms, defend our freedom! Because God knows, if we don't, nobody else will!

Fellow patriots, are you with me? Let’s take back our America! God bless us on our mission and God bless America!

Shalom and Amen,
Shelly Goodman