Wake Up America: It's Time to Take Back Our Land from the Woke & Demonrats!

Well, well, well, if it isn't the elites trying to play by their own rules again? What's new? Our dear old 'art aficionado', Hunter Biden, always looking for ways to escape accountability, now wants to dictate the terms of his deposition- how condescending! Talking about playing by his own rules and diminishing the integrity of our legal system.

The situation over in Israel is just another smoke and mirrors act from the left to distract us from the real problems right here at home. American hostages? Shouldn't our government be prioritizing their safety instead of jumping into every international skirmish? Patriots, we must demand that our government prioritizes American lives!

And don't even get me started on the absolute travesty happening in Gaza. Young, misinformed 'progressives' like AOC publicly supporting terrorists and vilifying American foreign policy - how did we get here? Maybe she's too busy trying to tweet her way to relevancy that she forgets her own ignorance of world affairs.

Oh, and a principal now embracing the perverse by allowing a trans student to participate in girls' sports? Back in my day, my seven children knew better than to challenge the sanctity of biology. And yes, even my Ronald knew this when he played Little League. What's being done to safeguard girls' rights and fairness in sports?

Then we circle back to our dear friend, Hunter Biden. Not only is he putting on high-priced art shows and attempting to corrupt our legal system, he is the embodiment of the chaos and immorality that the Democratic party is welcoming and celebrating. Remember his dodgy dealings with foreign entities? That does not scream patriotism to me!

I can't stand to see the country I and my husband, Bob, love being undermined at every turn by these radical leftists! The ones who think that 'illegals' should be allowed to dilute the precious bloodline of our great nation. Our forefathers would be turning in their graves!

Patriots, it's high time we stood up against this rampant idiotic wokeness and satanic, indoctrinating nonsense that's poisoning our youth and culture! Contact your local representatives, join our local Moms for Liberty chapter, and make your voice be heard! Let's do it for our children, for our heritage, and most importantly, for our COUNTRY! God bless the USA!