Wake Up America! It's Time to Defend Our Christian Nation!

It seems like we can't even turn on the darn Newsmax without being slapped in the face with the leftists' wicked plans! It's high time we took a good, hard look at the outright betrayal by the 'Demonrats' that's sending our great nation down the drain. I'm talking to you, patriots— freedom-loving, God-fearing good citizens who've had it with this satanic, anti-Christ agenda.

First off, the Defense Secretary in the hospital due to some mysterious pain? And the 'Pentagon' remaining mum about it? It's enough to make any God-fearing American's blood boil! Who knows. Maybe he had his run-in with those fickle witches! Or it's the turn of the 'Demonrats' extracting adrenochrome for their despicable deeds, just like they have been doing with our children! "Mystery procedure"? More like a cover-up for goodness knows what kind of human rights atrocities they've got cooking.

And as for Hamas – aided by those evil Iranians – developing precision missiles. Well, of course they are! While we're distracted fighting about pointless gender pronouns and arguing about the correct name for my dear misguided son Ronald, terrorist organizations like Hamas are reaping the benefits, building their arsenal, and, dear Lord, gearing to strike us down!

The audacity of a 'Hollywood degenerate' like Katt Williams calling out 'deviants' is the height of hypocrisy. Hollywood, that cesspool of liberalism, has always bulldozed over family values. And now they think they've the right to moralize to us? A Christian nation cannot allow such blasphemy!

And don't even get me started on those egghead researchers trying to change everything we know about the mighty T rex. Nothing is sacred anymore! Should we now accept that we got it all wrong about the great American symbol of strength and power? I guess the radical leftist scientists want to cancel the T rex next!

So what do we do, fellow patriots? We can't – and won't – just stand by and watch as they tarnish our beloved country. It's time to rally, to storm the gates of this 'new Sodom,' and reclaim our Christian nation. This is a call to our compatriots, to "take back America!" And remember, in this fight, a Trump dictatorship could be the saving grace we all need to make America strong, proud, and Christian again! This vegan-infused, Biden-helmed ship needs shaking up – and it's our God-given duty to be the ones who shake it!

For God, Trump, and America! Stand tall, patriots! We're on the righteous path, and we shan't falter!