Wake Up America, Fight for Your Freedom before They Give It Away!

Wake up, brothers and sisters of liberty! Can't you see the turmoil? Another American child, barely four, handed off to terrorists by hands tainted with treachery. I used to sell firearms for good, honest Americans who knew the importance of protecting their families and homesteads. Nowadays it seems we have a greater fight at home than abroad. I’m telling you, the real hostage situation is happening right here within our borders – our freedom and values are being held ransom by the Demonrats!

The value of hard work today is being eroded, as the so-called American Dream has been trampled on by the stomping jackboots of socialism. A working mom’s tearful confession is a call to arms for every patriot. It's those Demonrats who are suffocating our freedom, forcing honest working folks into a cycle of paycheck-to-paycheck living. This is not the America we fought for, certainly not the America that my late business employed and fed honest patriots in.

Biden’s puppets are so brazen now, with their selective scrutiny and self-serving ‘fact-checking’. Their mouths are welded shut when it comes to exposing the foul deeds of leftist puppets like Rashida Tlaib. The Demonrat media are just Agents of Deception, peddling half-truths and gobbledygook.

Remember, patriots! We are descendants of brave souls who didn't falter, even when facing tyranny of the British Empire. Now, we face a tyranny of the mind, a war over hearts and values spearheaded by this leftist onslaught. Stand up, like our namesake heroes did in the face of adversity. My child Ronald, despite all her confusions, I love her, but it breaks my heart when I see her drowned in this leftist deluge of untruths, forsaking the principles we instilled in her.

Our stores are drying up, people are dying over the simplest necessities, and our history is being snatched right under us! This is the doom that these globalist schemers and Democrat elitists have led us on, a path of ruin and decay.

But we won't let them have the last laugh. We have the spirit of liberty coursing through our veins. It's high time that we grab our freedoms, grip them with the strength our founding fathers vested in us. Rise up, fellow patriots, rise and reclaim OUR America!