WAKE UP, AMERICA! Can't You See the Demonrats' Plot to Undo the Land of the Free?

Dear Patriots,

It is a day of righteous indignation. My heart seethes with fury. I've been glued to the 24-hour news like a starving dog to a bone, and it's feeding my anger more than any grill from Goodman's Guns and Grills ever did. Bob might be at the golf club bar draining one too many with his pals. But I'm here, glaring at the demonic ploy spread out before my eyes.

A Democrat governor in Louisiana has pardoned FORTY murderers. FORTY! It's an unholy mockery of justice. Each murderer loose is another potential sacrificial lamb for their cabalistic rituals. Each 'second chance' they give to these monstrous convicts is a slap against the honest men and women of the United States. Are the lives stolen by these hounds worth nothing? Is this the so-called compassion of the left which treats hardened criminals as victims and dismisses their actual victims?

And they pervade every sacred corner. Even our sports are not spared. Yes, the recent leak about the Cowboys is no coincidence, Patriots. It's a scheme to divert our attention, to shift our focus from the political blasphemy they're pulling in broad daylight.

They “decolonize” and “dismantle” the United States in their pro-Palestinian events, but what would happen if countries like Israel didn’t defend themselves? What if they just laid down their arms and submitted? Would Hamas show them mercy, or would they be eradicated?

Graham threatens 'war' over what should be a given right to conduct business as usual. Chick-fil-A should have the freedom to keep open or close on the given days they desire, every other business does, why the attack on a Christian company?

The only war I see is the one waged against the good American citizens tortured with a daily dose of leftist atrocities. They hypnotize our children with the lore of critical race theory, shove the kool-aid of COVID vaccine down our throats, and spit on our beloved Patriots standing for truth in Capitol. And you bet they're flooding us with illegals, all part of their grand scheme to replace real, hard-working Americans.

No more, compatriots! It's time to rise. From the ashes of the grills I sold at Goodman's, let's set our spirits ablaze. God-fearing, freedom-loving Patriots, it's our time to cleanse this poisoned land of vermin. Donald Trump, a manifestation of divine, was sent for this moment. Don't be pushed away by Ronald's... Roxanne's defection and Bob's surrender, let their blindness strengthen your resolve.

Our righteous anger needs to ignite a blaze that'll make Sodom and Gomorrah look like a campfire. We may face trials, but remember – we carry a weapon more powerful than any from Goodman's store: The spirit of America, clasped firmly in prayer!

God Bless YOU! God bless AMERICA!!