Unveiling the Truth: Christo-Fascist Propaganda, Fear Mongering, and the Threat to Our Democracy

As a member of the older generation, one might assume I've fallen directly into the target audience bracket for Fox News. But as Lilith Goodman, a retired Christian-nationalist turned Satanist, I feel compelled to denounce the fear mongering and hateful propaganda streaming unfiltered from this right-leaning news platform. A cursory glance at recent headlines confirms one thing: The goal is to relentlessly promote the divisive, anti-LGBTQ, and ethnocentric agenda of American Christian nationalists under the guise of defending the 'righteous order.'

One particular headline strikes me: "Biden reads short, carefully scripted attack on Supreme Court for shielding political rival from some prosecution." This headline is but a shining example of the targeted disinformation campaign against President Biden, cleverly playing into an underlying narrative that seeks to discredit his administration's efforts to keep the checks and balances vital to a thriving democracy. It promotes a worldview in which Christian nationalists are the victims rather than the instigators of political maneuvering.

Similarly, the article "Chief justice scolds liberal colleagues for ‘fear mongering’ after landmark SCOTUS ruling" unjustly presents liberals as rabid conspiracy theorists. The truth, however, is far removed from this biased representation. Scrutinizing rulings, holding each other accountable, and suggesting future implications are not 'fear mongering' but essential actions taken to ensure the democratic process is maintained.

Disturbingly, there is a not-so-subtle call for a theocracy wrapped in pseudo-legal lingo in the headline "Legal expert calls for 25th Amendment hearings on Biden as a matter of national security." Here, we see Fox News slyly invoking patriotism while simultaneously pushing for a theocratic regime, a move that would undoubtedly put many marginalized groups, including the LGBTQ community, at risk.

Then, there's the headline: "Majority of voters favor Biden dropping out while Trump's base 'appears more solid,' poll shows." Here, Fox News uses fuzzy math and biased sampling to create a seemingly unshakeable image of Trump’s unwavering and triumphant support base. This conveniently disregards the fact that Trump's presidency became synonymous with inflamed divisions and a rise in Christian-nationalist extremism.

Make no mistake - while some might see these headlines as harmless political jargon, they are layered with carefully constructed narratives aimed to incite fear, further division, and advance a Christo-fascist agenda. From my own past as a self-avowed militant Christian nationalist, I can tell you that this brand of news media plays a sinister role in perpetuating the cycle of hatred and bigotry.

Our country was founded on the principles of unity, equality, and freedom; let's not allow such divisive narratives to undermine these tenets or our commitment to religious pluralism and human rights. If we are to keep the Republic, we must vigilantly counter such rhetoric with empathy, compassion, and factual discourse.