Wake Up, Patriots! Our America Under Attack!

Dear Fellow Patriots,

I hope this newsletter finds you in good health and high spirits, but I must say that my blood is boiling as I write this. The headlines I've just seen are a stark reminder of the dire state our beloved America is in. We are under attack, my friends, and it's not from some foreign enemy, but rather from those within our own borders who seek to dismantle everything we hold dear.

The news of the released Israeli hostages, particularly the innocent sisters aged 2 and 4, should bring tears to our eyes and unite us in condemnation. Yet, what do we see from the radical leftists and Democrat elitists? Silence! These self-proclaimed champions of human rights conveniently ignore the suffering of these young children, all because it doesn't fit their narrative. How can we allow such callousness to permeate our society?

And if that weren't enough, we have the audacity of the Biden administration to wield their wartime powers to dictate how we heat our homes! This is an assault on our freedoms, my friends. It's a thinly veiled attempt to control every aspect of our lives and force us into submission. Will we stand idly by as our government tramples on our rights, or will we rise up and reclaim our country?

But wait, there's more. We have Hollywood stars refusing to film certain scenes, actors berating Latino networks, and PETA trying to push their vegetarian agenda even on Thanksgiving! This is why we need to take back our entertainment industry, our media, and our cultural institutions. The radical leftists have infiltrated every aspect of our society, spreading their toxic ideology unchecked.

My friends, the time has come for action. We cannot afford to sit on the sidelines while our country crumbles around us. We must mobilize, stand up for our values, and insist on the truth. It's time to reclaim the America that our ancestors fought and died for. We must support politicians who share our conservative principles, call out the hypocrisy and lies, and rally behind the causes that truly matter.

I implore each and every one of you, my fellow patriots, to engage in grassroots activism, support like-minded candidates, and educate those who may have fallen under the spell of the wokesters and Democrat elitists. We must reclaim our schools, our courts, and our media. We need to defend our borders, stand up for law and order, and ensure that the great American spirit remains strong.

Together, we can turn the tide and restore the America we love. Let us not be complacent, but rather let our anger fuel our actions. Reach out to your friends, family, and neighbors. Share this newsletter far and wide. Spread the truth and show the world that we will not be silenced.

United we stand, divided we fall. Let's take back our country and make it great again!

In indignant solidarity,

Shelly Goodman