Unmasking the Wolves in Shepherds' Clothing: Deconstructing Fox News Fascist Propaganda

As I scrolled through this morning's digital page of Fox News, I was once again reminded of the inherent fears and biases that fueled my prior beliefs. It struck me how cleverly deception and half-truths were cloaked in their headlines, rendering their propaganda findings seemingly unbiased. It is precisely this cloak of misinformation that provides fertile ground for fear and bigotry to flourish, fueling radical Christian Nationalism.

I began with the heartbreaking headline, "Authorities recover bodies in submerged pickup truck after Baltimore bridge collapse." While the news itself may be factual, I have learned to always question what goes unmentioned. What about the dire state of infrastructure in this country? Where is the responsibility of those who consistently block bills aimed at repairing and improving our crumbling infrastructure? For Fox News, it is far easier to exploit human tragedy for political gains than it is to criticize their own.

I then moved onto a flippant report about Biden's son. Preserving preconceived notions about family members of political figures they dislike is a convenient weapon. Instead of focusing on genuine issues like income inequality, healthcare, or climate change, personal vendettas are consistently turned into national concerns, further steering the narrative away from urgent systemic issues at hand.

Next, a report on the passing of Joe Lieberman, a commendable figure, was turned into a sympathy card for the far-right. Lieberman's death, a human tragedy, was subtly commandeered into a platform to push forward their warped political agenda, further marking the dehumanization prevalent in their reportage.

What truly disturbs me is that Fox News can run stories about alligators and comedians without anyone batting an eye, but when it comes to uplifting the voices of the marginalized, making way for progressive reform, or calling out rampant white nationalism, they are eerily silent. It is an active suppression of the truth, a denial of basic human rights and laws that foster inclusivity, equality, and justice.

Their propagandic narrative is designed to achieve one end: to foster an American theocracy controlled by the rich. LGBTQ+ individuals, feminists and anyone not fitting into their monolithic idea of a "proper American" are marginalized and targeted within this narrative. Sadly, they have turned the American dream into an exclusionary nightmare.

If we wish to progress as a society, it is important to call out this deceitful rhetoric. It is crucial that we stand in solidarity with our LGBTQ+ family, marginalized communities, and religious minorities. Together, we can prevent the rise of a hateful Christian-nationalist regime. We must promote empathy, compassion, and maintain the principles of a true democracy, fiercely and unwaveringly guarding our rights to freedom, justice, and equality.