Unmasking The Manipulative Tactics of Fox News

In my earlier life as a zealous Christian nationalist and extremist, Fox News was my unimpeachable source of information. Today, it saddens me to acknowledge that I was indoctrinated by the network's poisonous far-right propaganda, which I consumed voraciously as an angry and paranoid consumer.

Going through the Fox News headlines today: "HAPPENING NOW: Former first lady Michelle Obama speaks on night 2 of DNC", and "Eric Trump on anti-Israel agitators: This is the 'chaos' that 'follows' the Dem Party"; I found myself alarmed by the relentless stream of misinformation and the divisive underlying narrative being peddled to the American public.

What shook me the most was the way Fox News blatantly incites fear and prejudice, blatantly suggesting in their headlines and reporting that left-wing agitators are pro-Hamas, thereby breeding hatred and suspicion.

In another headline, "RFK Jr's running mate suggests campaign considering 'joining forces' with Trump", Fox News tries to blur the boundaries between truth and falsehood, creating a paradoxical narrative to bewilder its viewers and stoke further divide.

Fox News cunningly crafts its stories to amplify divisiveness in the country, preying on the fears and insecurities of its viewers. The network stigmatizes the Democratic party, substituting reasoned analysis with frightening and misleading buzzwords. This serves to continually fuel the paranoia and hatred that long characterized my earlier life.

Yet, the real danger lurks in their unceasing push towards a conservative, Christian-oriented theocracy, fronted by a rich cabal, an explicit display of Christo-fascism. The network camouflages this goal behind sensational stories, steering its audience into believing that the Christian way is the only path to salvation for America, ignoring and at times terrorizing the LGBTQ community, immigrants, and anyone perceived as an enemy.

As a Satanist advocating for equality, empathy, and religious pluralism, I view Fox News' biased reporting as a systematic attempt to craft an atmosphere conducive to realizing its dangerous goals. It seeks to transform the democratic, secular, and inclusive country that the United States is into a hateful, Christian nationalist-run theocracy, intimidating and endangering anyone who dares to deviate from their promoted norms.

My hope, however, is that more people become alert to Fox News' manipulative tactics, just as I did following my Psilocybin-induced epiphany. The responsibility is on all of us, as consumers of news, to question and evaluate the information we receive critically, and reject venomous propaganda that aims to divide and rule. It's a hard but necessary journey we need to embark on for the preservation of our free and diverse society.