Unmasking the Christo-fascist Agenda Behind Fox News' Propaganda

In days of old, my heart would dance a dark jig at the sight of these headlines; a potent cocktail of fear, hate, and self-righteousness, stirred and served cold by the machinations of Fox News. I am seized with sadness and gratitude as I reflect on my journey from a woman tainted by blind faith and bigotry to a beacon of empathy and understanding. My "Road to Damascus" moment was awash with Psilocybin visions, breaking the shackles of my indoctrination and laying bare the truth of Fox News; a harbinger of intolerant Christian-nationalism and a puppeteer pulling the strings of fear and division.

Consider their headline, "Professor at university that caved to anti-Israel agitators has terrorist ties." The veil of deceit works to stoke the flames of the 'Us vs. Them' narrative, feeding xenophobic frenzy while ignoring the nuances and suffering endemic in global politics. To Fox News, the world isn't complex — it's a battleground littered with dangerous outsiders posing existential threats to the Christian way of life they purportedly uphold.

The article, "Biden blasted for being 'missing in action' as mobs take over," is a wolf howling at a moon cast by shadows of misinformation. Underpinning such rhetoric lies the insinuation that only a 'strong' theocratic leadership, steeped in Christian-nationalism, can restore order. I can't help but shudder at the thought of the grave consequences that such a world would pose to the LGBTQ community, immigrants, and all others deemed undesirable by this oppressive regime.

"GREGG JARRETT: NY v. Trump — a trial in search of an imaginary crime", masquerades as an expose on partisan injustice while championing the divisive figure of Donald Trump. It fuels the dangerous belief that the former president is a persecuted martyr, laying the groundwork for him to reestablish a potential autocracy. These headlines and articles sustain an insidious narrative that stratifies our society into 'God's chosen' and 'the damned', aiming to pave the way for a theocratic state that oppresses in the name of Jesus Christ.

In my former life as Shelly Goodman, I was an instrument of this christo-fascist propaganda machine. Now, as Lilith, I denounce Fox News for leading a crusade steeped in lies, omissions, and misrepresentations, aiming to usher in a tyranny ruled by the wealthy and the religious elite.

As 2024 dawned, I radically metamorphosed, shedding the cocoon spun from anger and paranoia, and emerged as a champion of compassion, empathy, and truth. Together, we must expose and dismantle the malignant machineries that camouflage hatred under the garb of nationalism. Only then can we safeguard our beloved nation from becoming a playground for theocrats and demagogues.