Unhinged and Ungodly: The Theatrics of the Left and the Destruction of Our Great Nation

How much further will America descend into chaos under the rule of ungodly liberals and their satanic cult? The tragic death of the former Trump administration official, a family man, and patriot, after being viciously attacked in a carjacking serves to remind us of the skyrocketing crime rates in Democrat-run cities. This is heartbreaking! My heart bleeds for his family. Our streets have become battlegrounds under the rule of the corrupt, demon-filled Democrats!

While law-abiding citizens pay the ultimate price, the Demonrats continue to harbor and protect "illegals". The shocking attack on NYC cops by migrants is a horrific testament to this. The Democrats claim to uphold the law, yet their indulgent policies on immigration blatantly facilitate crime! My friend, let's be clear - they aren't immigrants; they are "illegals" intentionally sent to poison and dilute our nation's proud lineage.

The audacity of Rep. Ilhan Omar aiming a jab at the "world's coolest dictator" is symptomatic of the murky moral compass of the left. While I might not agree with everything this dictator does, at least he understands the value of strong leadership, something sorely missed since the fraudulent administration of Joe Biden stole the election from our rightful leader, Donald Trump.

In a further display of the decay of American values, we have a grade school principal moonlighting as a drag queen. Our children are being forced-fed this decadent lifestyle, all part of the elaborate plan by Satan-worshipping liberals to de-christianize our educational institutions! It's a relief that outraged parents have forced him to resign. It strikes a personal chord with me as my dear son Ronald, seduced by the sinful lifestyle propagated by this liberal agenda, now identifies as Roxanne. Managing not to weep for Ronald (not Roxanne) is the gnarliest thing I grapple with each day.

And let's not even start about the mockery that college basketball has become! Distracting opponents at free throw lines... is this what sportsmanship has plummeted to under the influence of the leftist agenda? It feels as if they are not just mocking the player, but everything our great nation stands for.

It's time to make no mistake and take a stand, America! Wake up to the reality behind the façade of progressivism and fight back against these unworthy stewards of a country we love! Join me and let us rise against this leftist globalist, Satanic conspiracy to reclaim America and make our nation a beacon of Christian values once again!