Time for Patriots to Stand Up and Take Back Our America!

Good afternoon, fellow Patriots. I've just invested my morning into dissecting the latest abomination that the radical leftist media calls "news." Let's dissect, shall we?

First, I see that Harvard is again showcasing its complete lack of integrity by repeating the mistakes of its President. I put the word 'duplicative' into my 'smartphone' (although I doubt the 'smart' part) and don't you know, it means copying! Who runs this country? A bunch of cheaters? Is 'duplicative language' the new euphemism for plagiarism? I bet it was written by some illegal; they sure love fancy words that make no sense.

Next, I find the unholy alliance of Demonrat Kasich rejoicing over some ballot ruling in Colorado. We all remember how the 2020 Election was stolen from us. We remember and will NEVER forget. The fight for our stolen freedom is far from over. We’ll reclaim our country from these cheaters and traitors.

Amazon, the colossal retail giant, is now selling hidden cameras disguised as everyday objects. Rewind a second... Are we in George Orwell's 1984? Are they in cahoots with these vermin, these leftist globalists, who wish nothing but the obliteration of our freedom, our America?

There’s something about a fisherman, and I’ll be honest with you folks; I ignored that one. I’m too fed up with the rest of this nonsense to concern myself with fish and planes.

The last headline is particularly disturbing. Iranian-backed terrorists are threatening us, and Hamas refuses to accept a cease-fire. Wait, why are we suddenly at the mercy of these savages? Because Joe 'China' Biden and his satanic Demonrat elites are too busy extracting adrenochrome casually inviting dangers to our home.

If I call out these 'illegals', it's not out of malice, it's out of concern for my country, my grandchildren. Will my Susie be safe when she steps out? Will my Ronald...err...Roxanne, enjoy the freedom that I did?

But I refuse to sit idle while these forces put a dagger through the heart of America. I call on all Patriots to stand strong. Stand firm. Remember what our country stands for, remember our traditions, our values. Use every ounce of your righteous indignation as fuel to fight in this cold war. The millennial snowflakes think they can take all that we have worked hard for – they are mistaken. This is OUR country, and we WILL reclaim it!

Stand with me, let's make our America great again. Make your voices heard! Let them hear our roar, let them know - America belongs to us, the Patriots! To Hell with civil discourse; it's time we show these monsters what we're made of!