Today, yet again, I am faced with outrageous headlines, the blatant propaganda of the left, and the terrifying rise of the Demonrats. Granted, it was fantastic to see our stalwart savior, Donald Trump, receiving much-needed endorsement. That man can't get enough support to combat the demonic forces trying his best to dismantle our country! Trump is like a divine manifestation sent by our Lord to save our star-spangled nation! However, the mere implication, that Democrats are leading the race to the 2024 elections is a blatant slap in the face. They're just setting the stage to steal another election, just like they did in 2020! Can you smell the deceit in the air again, compatriots?

The Princess of Wales underwent surgery, and I wish her a speedy recovery, but it confounds me how this news can be so global, and yet we hardly ever hear about the real issues. Did anyone even know that honest and hardworking American fishermen might lose their rights because of an overreaching federal government? And yet, we're supposed to cater to the princesses of the world and ignore the plights of our own industrious patriots?

And speaking of deceit, the audacious Ramaswamy positioning himself as a potential rival to our excellent leader Trump is yet another example of the divide and conquer strategy employed by the globalist left. Dear patriots, don't be fooled by such deceptive tactics!

Lastly, that 'Biggest Loser' hack warning us about weight loss drugs. Well, how about warning children about the drugs they're putting in our schools to brainwash them with critical race theory? Satanists are working hand in hand with these left-wing zealots to control our God-fearing populace. Enough is enough!

Lost your remote to Gus, your yapping mutt? Worry not patriots, for no left-wing noise machine will keep us from the truth! Join your local Moms for Liberty chapter, arm yourself with both knowledge and arms (thank you, Goodman's Guns and Grills!), and prepare to make a stand! We must be ready to defend our American values, even if it means creating the Trump dictatorship that is so desperately needed. We must fight against the illegals poisoning our nation's blood and the vegans that seek to ban our God-given meat!

Wake up, American patriots! Let's show the Demonrats and their Satanic cronies that we mean business. Time to reclaim America from the ashes of their wokeness and restore it to its former glory, under God and Donald Trump!