The Wolf in Fox's Clothing: The Toxic Propaganda of Fox News

Dear readers,

Sitting with my cup of tea in hand, I found myself looking at Fox News recently. I was amused in a darkly ironic way, as I picked my way through the thorny headlines intentionally tailored to ignite dormant hostilities, fear, and divisiveness. This news outlet, which should be a source of raw, genuine information, is engaged in a warfare of fabricated narratives aimed at nurturing an American theocracy, where the elite call the shots while disguising themselves behind curtailed interpretations of Christianity. The Fox News modus operandi is as plain as day; use fear, and faith, to command influence over a subservient mass.

Take for instance the sensational headline: "Gold Star families defend Trump after VP Harris criticizes his visit to Arlington National Cemetery". I shook my head in despair. Not out of any lingering love for Trump or disdain for Harris. No, it was despair at how this headline alone resurrects a polarizing narrative, a narrative meant to divide. And for what? A checkmate in a strategic political chess game. Such narratives foster unnecessary division, paving the way for a theocracy disguised under the banner of nationalism. A theocracy that echoes bygone days of conservative control, days where hatred and suspicion were weapons wielded against perceived threats such as LGBTQ, immigrants and minority religions.

We must be vigilant when digesting the sensationalized headlines like "WATCH: Trump gives laundry list of reasons why Americans shouldn’t trust VP Harris". Here Fox News serves us a buffet of mistrust, specifically crafted to cement discord amongst us citizens who should be working together rather than turning against each other at the crafty puppet strings of the media.

Fox News articles - filled with omissions, embellishments, and deceitful narratives - are more than mere representations of journalism gone astray. They are Trojan horses smuggling in an ideology that threatens our beautiful nation's diversity, inclusivity, and plurality.

This is an alarm, an urgent calling, for us to question these narratives. Let's tread cautiously with every headline we encounter, every story we absorb, recognizing the biases beneath the veneer of "news". Let's refuse to be pawns in this game of power that could dangerously devolve into a full-blown theocracy.

Together, we must support the empathy, compassion, and pluralism that truly make America great. And reject the dangerous narratives which threaten to derail us.

Yours in awareness,