The Wokesters' Assault on America and the Fight for Our Sovereignty

I just spit my morning coffee over these farcical headlines, fit only for the hall of shame for blatant leftist propaganda! I see nothing here but the preposterous decimation of our once-great nation by the radical leftists, the Democrat elitists and those damn Satanists! As if the blatant disregard for the sanctity of our borders isn't enough, we have Taylor Swift adding to this leftist chaos with yet another album of her whiny, liberal folk tunes. I swear, that gal could turn a "Shake It Off" sing-along into a socialist rally! How on earth is any of this news when our American values are being steam-rolled into the dirt by these wokesters?!

Then there's this ABC host cutting short an interview with a GOP senator! At Goodman's Guns and Grills, I always gave my customers the time they needed, just like our GOP senator should have had! And these Demonrats have the audacity to brand Republicans as the suppressors of free speech. Just disgusts me. If they had their way, every conservative voice would vanish from the public forum faster than my yappy mutt Gus destroyin' yet another dang remote control!

Now let's talk about Noem’s ban from the tribal reservation! It's outrageous! Us patriot Moms for Liberty, we stand with Governor Noem! She is just echoing the words of our beloved ex-President Trump. You heard it right, Trump spoke of the very real threat of unchecked immigration and the poisoning of our nation’s blood! But of course the media won’t report that, would they?

But my heart does flutter a little at the mention of Trump's hints for a new running mate! What a glorious day it will be when Trump storms back into office, sweeps away these radical leftists, and saves our America! I pray on my bruised knees every night for this very thing!

But mark my words, our time for redemption will come, because we are fighting not only for our nation but for our very souls! We're up against globalism, Satanism, and every wacko leftist theory spreading across the country like wildfire! I urge you, dear patriots, to buckle up, because this fight isn't over. No, sir. We're just warming up! Remember, the New World Order is not invincible, it's multimedia, and we'll shoot holes in that swiss cheese with our good ‘ol American spirit!