The Veil is Lifting: Demonrats, Elite Cabals, and the Destruction of Our Great Nation!

It makes my blood boil hotter than a grill set to high on a mid-July day! We've got our proof now, patriots, just look at those headlines! High-profile names linked to Epstein, satanist, pervert, and darling of the Demonrats! Clinton, 'liking' young girls, and let me tell you, that ain't no surprise to those of us who've been paying attention to Stew Peters, OANN, and Newsmax!

Then, there's this former Harvard president, another one of those liberal elitist institutions, disgraced! And is anyone surprised? These institutes of 'higher education' are nothing but Satan worshipper brainwashing camps, trying to pump our innocent children full of race-baiting filth!

I don't know who this '80s rock musician they're talking about is, but I'm sure as snakes BBs hit the mark, he's another dire result of that lurid, decadent era. Then there's Travis Kelce, whoever he may be, waving his liberal irritations around like a flag. We've got bigger issues, son, than your feelings getting hurt!

Then there's Biden. Make-believe president, and his 'green' agenda! Falling flat on its face, as well it should! His plans to have America bowing down to climate change hoaxes instead of standing tall and free, just fell apart! Ha!

All you patriots wake up out there! You've got to rise, my brothers and sisters of the land of the free and the brave, and fight for this country! Fight against this leftist globalist conspiracy, and these Demonrats and their satanic cabal! It's time for us to throw these bums out and install a real leader we can trust- the Divine manifestation of God's will for America – Donald Trump!

Lock'n'load, folks! Make your voices heard, stand for the persecuted Christians, stand against these woke elites brainwashing our children, and for the love of all things holy, make sure your American flags are front and center! It's time for the Trump dictatorship to take the reins and lead us back to the promised land, the great Christian nation we were always meant to be!

God bless you, and God bless America!