The Unmasking Of The Elitist Cabal And The Urgent Need For A Trump Dictatorship!

Listen up patriots, I’ve just ingested a fresh batch of repulsive, but enlightening headlines from this liberal-washed mainstream media, and sweet mercy, I am livid! More livid than when my harpy of a dog, Gus, chewed up my last TV remote. I comfort myself with the knowledge that this fury is a righteous one, god-fearing Americans are being persecuted by globalists, demonrats, and yup, satanists who want to trample on our freedom and destroy our great nation from within.

The Davos elites and those disgusting globalists just got an earful about freedom! Well, good for them! But why does it matter to a retired woman like me, from The Villages, Florida? Let me tell you, it’s because these same elites are the puppeteers behind this grand satanic conspiracy ruining our good, Christian nation. They're turning our America into a new Sodom. What's next, turning our schools into satanic temples? Look at what they're doing at that middle school, taking down mirrors from bathrooms. I bet they're trying to teach children that they're not male or female, just like my Ronald in San Francisco. Well, he's still Ronald to me!

And would you look at this frenzy in Germany over a right-wing party wanting to deport ‘illegals.’ Yes, millions of them! Every God-fearing citizen should be up in arms! I sold my fair share of guns and grills at Goodman’s back in the day, I know the value of safety and sovereignty. This is OUR nation and we should have a say on who enters it, not the Demonrats and their free-for-all policies.

Now, there's talk of a pandemic far deadlier than COVID-19. If you ask me, it's just another part of the grand plan to poison us REAL Americans and let these ‘illegals’ take over, because you KNOW they're immune to whatever this new disease is, don't you? And sure, Stew Peters and I have our theories about the vaccine, but wouldn't we all rather live a little sicker and a whole lot freer?

In these desperate times, we need a true patriot, a divine manifestation like Donald Trump, appointed by God himself, to save us from this descent into hell. We need a Trump dictatorship! We need America to be great again, just as God intended, a beacon of Christian virtue. An America where my husband, Bob, can have his freedom from his nagging wife and share a beer with his pals at the golf club and leave me the hell alone with my news channels!

So rise up, patriots. The time is now. We can't let America be overrun by leftist, satanic, vegan, wokesters! As Trump said, it’s our blood they're poisoning. And it’s time we cleanse it! One Trump dictatorship to rule them all and in the light, bind them.