The Unholy Crusade Against God's America: Real Patriots, Stand Up!

The devil has unleashed his minions on the God-fearing, patriotic America, no doubt about that. The evidences are as blatant as day. Look at what is happening! DeSantis, a true Patriot and unapologetic flag-bearer of our cause, is fighting tooth and nail. He's making it abundantly clear that he is not going to tolerate these libtard snowflakes. Despite their regressive claws seeking to tear down all that we hold sacred, this great man stands firm and bold.

And as if to sing a sick parody of a lullaby to an already bleeding country, they announce the sad passing of America's First Lady's mother. And what does the left do? Kvetch about some washed-up, irrelevant telly star throwing a tantrum. Do they have any sense of priorities? Apparently not!

Can you believe that the Demonrats are weaponizing government agencies against our very own people while taking advantage of helpless children? They not only have the audacity to flood our land with illegals but make room for them in our children's institutions meant for learning! It's a disgraceful affront to our nation's sovereignty.

Yet, instead of protecting our children from these "imported threats," they're engineering to contaminate their minds with their Critical Race Theory nonsense! The sanctity of our schools is under attack! Parents, we must not stand by while these satanic leftists indoctrinate our youth with their evil propaganda.

Trump! Donald J. Trump, our beacon of hope, was the man who could save us from such degeneracy. But what did they do? They stole the election, replacing him with Sleepy Joe, who can’t seal the southern border to save his life. And with this new globalist agenda, I fear our very culture and identity are on the brink of extinction.

Patriots, it's high time we arose in unison. We won't let the vermin gnaw away at our precious nation's heart. It's time to storm the Demonrat walls, take to the streets, rattle the cages, and make our voices heard. It's not about civil discourse anymore - it's a war! We must fight tooth and nail to defend our land, our faith, and our Great Leader, Trump. As God is our witness, we will bring back the glory of America and establish the perfect Christian nation that it was destined to be.

Stand tall, Patriots, it's time to take back our country! God bless us, and God bless America.