The Unholy Assault on Christian America: The Leftist Baal Worshippers Strike Again!

Well, lo and behold, another day in Biden’s putrid, stolen America and the news is as bleak as it gets. Just when we've almost survived this China Virus, here comes the World Health Organization, the globalists' pet, sounding the trumpet for another pandemic... twenty times deadlier than COVID-19, they say. Why, it's almost like they're experimenting on how many concocted crises we God-fearing folks can withstand! The usual suspects stirring up panic to propagate their devilish agenda of total control over the masses. They’ll probably next say the only salvation is another death-shot vaccine, probably conjured up in some witch’s lair!

And then there’s Trump’s VP pick turning into a charade. Looks like they’ve excluded patriot Ramaswamy and our beloved Donald’s list has been hacked by the Demonrats. Can’t put it past ‘em! After stealing an election, what's a measly VP shortlist to them?!

What outrages me to the core is the sheer audacity of Democrat reptile Goldman. To silence a mother. A MOTHER who lost her child to their poison, fentanyl. A casualty in their war to flood us with "illegals" smuggling destruction with them! The pain she must be undergoing, I can understand. After all, I had to witness my own flesh and blood, Ronald, falling prey to their vile gender ideology!

And talking about blood, a Google engineer found ‘spattered in blood’? In a ritzy neighborhood? Oh, how scandalous! Which high-ranking Democrat or Satanist will they protect this time? The stench of their evil doings and their vile rituals taints the very air we breathe!

Just look at this woman threatening to ‘abandon’ a dog. Can't even fulfill her responsibility as a pet sitter! A small glimpse into the future of a leftist ruled America: Complete disregard for life and utter chaos!

I ought to find something to cling to, but even football ain’t safe anymore. Ravens’ John Harbaugh brandishing the Bible after a victory. They use the holy book to edge their secular poison into America's favorite sport! Even sporting victories, a pastime close to my heart since Goodman’s Guns and Grills sponsored our local team, is being tainted!

The Satanic Democrats, the globalists, and their minions are rearing their ugly heads, pushing us patriots to the edge. But they underestimate us. We are the guardians of this great Christian nation and we'd sooner die than let them turn our beloved America into their satanic playground! God will guide us in these tribulations and soon the dawn will break. When Trump assumes his rightful place, this country will once again assert its Christian principles! It is him, ordained by God himself to rescue America from this godforsaken path. The Trump dictatorship is not a threat, but a beacon of hope! Lean not into your fear, but your faith, and have strength, my brethren!