THE TRUTH THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW: Demonrats, Deception, and the Destruction of Our Nation

Hello, Patriots! If you've done more than just blink at the mainstream media's ridiculous fearmongering and propaganda, you'd have seen the unwavering offense against our nation, our morals, and our freedoms!

Let's start with that sanctimonious Elizabeth Warren talking about "the ripple effects of ObamaCare's consequences". How about we address the tidal wave of disaster that was Obamacare in the first place? Naturally, it takes a cherished Demonrat policy for these folks to even admit to a "ripple". Yet they persist with their navel-gazing instead of acknowledging the devastation they've wrecked on our healthcare system.

Did any of you catch that piece about the former college football player and his children brutally killed while traveling for the holidays? Where is the outcry from the Left about this horrific violence? I'll tell you where - nowhere! The Silent Left will only scream about something if they can use it to further their divisive agenda. They are more focused on proliferating this 'woke' nonsense and brainwashing our children with critical race theory.

Speaking of our children, have you seen the depravity emerging from the magical "happiest place on Earth"? Some sick naked pervert 'exposing himself' on a Disney ride! Where are the safe spaces for our children when you need them? This very well could be a result of the Democrats and their campaign to erase our cultural norms and replace them with some twisted, perverse version of reality.

Enough is enough! As a retiree living here in The Villages, I miss the America I knew. The America where the names George, Andrew, Ronald, Dwight, Nancy, Barbara, and Martha could be given to children without it being seen as "politically incorrect", where 24-hour news was about actual news and not political brainwash.

I call on all true patriots to rise and take back our country from the clutches of these Demonrats, from these Satan worshippers, from these puppets of the leftist globalist conspiracy. Get out to your school board meetings. Join your local Moms for Liberty chapter. It's our duty to protect America's future, to protect our children, and by God, we will!

Don't just sit there fuming while they tear down everything we love and have worked so hard for. Get furious, get vocal, get active! For if we want to keep the America we know and love, it's not just our right: it's our duty!