The Tipping Point: The Radical Left’s Assault on Our Christian America

Behold, the disarray our once distinguished country has plunged into! These headlines today are but mere symptoms of the vile disease that the leftist radicals have germinated in the heart of our proud nation. Witches and Satanists, poisoning the minds of our children with dangerous ideologies under the guise of progressiveness! Witness how the DC attorney general openly declares the criminal crisis in the city a lost cause! They can't "arrest our way out"? That's liberal codeword for letting criminals roam free, while they condemn hardworking Christians and lock us up; the purported guardians of law and order surrendering before the snake they've bred!

The disgrace knows no bounds on the entertainment front either. Our 'country star' Darius Rucker arrested on drug charges! The demons that personify the ungodly Hollywood are openly poisoning our culture and our children’s innocence! They don't just celebrate debauchery, they bring it home. They put it on display. And they get arrested with blood smeared hands like it’s a Twitter trend! Not on my watch!

Alas, adding to the terrifying tapestry of leftist-led insurrection, a plane crashes into a Florida mobile home park. The land I've known, respected, and trusted! But what do they care about safety and peace? They're busy importing 'illegals' and poisoning the blood of our country!

Astoundingly, it's only getting worse. Now, the Oregon Supreme Court openly persecutes Republican lawmakers, barring them from running for re-election. The Democratic elitists are so evasive in their treacheries that they've infiltrated the very structure of our system. Obstruction of justice, plain and simple! This is the same devilish trick they used in the 2020 elections. I told you! The election was stolen right from under our noses, and now, what? Our Republican comrades are impeded from even taking a step forward. It's a dictatorship!

The patriot Donald J. Trump, our beacon of hope, warned us about this apocalypse. Now look, even Schwarzenegger is shoving his liberal parenting down Chris Pratt’s throat! This is how they enslave, this is their wicked game plan, this is their failed attempt to raise God-fearing children. But we know better, we who understand the true spirit of America will resist.

The bottom line is sinister folks, the Demonrats are taking over, desecrating the Christian nation we've built. God is watching, and so am I! We're at the frontier, unarmed, fighting this malignant, soulless enemy. It's high time we call out these cowards. For the love of our children, our fallen patriots, and our country, brothers and sisters, unite in faith! Welcome to the battlefield!

Remember, the attempted tyranny of the left shall meet with our steadfast resistance! God bless America!

Sincerely - Shelly Goodman, an angry patriot.