The Time to Rise Is NOW – A Nation's Last Stand Against The Tyranny of The Left

Listen up, fellow patriots, this is Shelly Goodman. The disturbing headlines in the news today are enough to make my blood boil, even down here in sunny Florida. The demonic elites of the Democrat Party are trying to dismantle our beloved American values and replace them with their Godless ideologies.

This abysmal "Biden impeachment inquiry" is a sham! Sources are already saying secret meetings are being held to quash the proceedings. This is nothing but a play by the demonrat command, pulling every trick from their devil's playbook. They are using their demonic powers, enhanced with the adrenochrome they syphon from our precious children. We ought to be alarmed at such a blatant disregard of justice for our nation and former President Trump's presidential immunity.

The special counsel, desperate to challenge Trump's rightful immunity, dares to bring the matter to the Supreme Court. These Demonrats will never get enough of their nefarious scheme to destroy the America we love. So here's what you need to know, patriots. It's not taxes or Supreme Court's about liberty, damned liberty!

It's clear we're in a full-blown culture war when we hear of Riley Gaines, this Illinois cyclist, standing up for trans athletes who claim victory in women's events. How did we reach this level of absurdity, eh? I'll tell you how. Thanks to my Ronald... well, Roxanne and her leftist, globalist cohorts in the Californian San Francisco, infesting every American institution.

However, amidst all this gall, there's a sliver of hope. Even as we wage our own war on American soil, our Israeli brethren are seeing victory against the Hamas terrorists who are surrendering in droves. Netanyahu's resolve is an example we Americans must follow. We must emulate his unyielding stance against the threat looming over our nation.

Wake up, Patriots! The liberal disease is spreading with the speed and ferocity of an unhinged wildfire. They're replacing us, poisoning our American blood with illegals, turning our children into satanist wokesters with their Critical Race Theory. But we can't let them have their way. It's time we took a stand against these vile vermin.

Our fight must echo the rage of the great John Lennon, who they claim was a beacon of peace and unity; an outright lie! He was an evil communist fronting as a Beatle! All of 'em were the four horsemen of the apocalypse, harbinger of the societal decay we are witnessing now. John Lennon isn't a symbol of peace – he's the symbol of the leftist apocalypse!

Enough is enough. We must not let our country crumble under the weight of these leftist globalists. Stand stout, fellow patriots, take up arms, and let's reclaim our nation! For if we don't act now, there won't be a tomorrow!