The Sinister Desecration of Our Christian Nation

The leftist propaganda machine never stops churning out its vile poison. Just look at these latest headlines. 'Biden vows to ‘shut down’ border if Congress OKs Ukraine package — but Johnson signals objection', 'Biden admin appears to take new stance on razor wire amid Texas border feud'. Clearly, this is a sinister deceit to paint the administration as taking action while continuing to let illegals pour into our God-fearing nation. They don't even hide it anymore. These Demonrats are conspiring against us using foreign turmoil to further their evil agenda.

And take a look at 'JPMorgan Chase CEO warns US economy is speeding toward ‘rebellion’'. Of course, the economy is heading towards collapse, the elitist Democrats see us as nothing more than sacrifice for their ultimate goal of destroying America. The rebellion, my friends, is right here, being waged against freedom-loving citizens and decent Christians by a satanic cabal masquerading as political leaders.

Then there's the audacity of 'Biden taunts Trump by invoking former first lady’s work at White House as attacks intensify'. How dare they insult the name of the greatest president, Donald Trump, sent by God himself to help save us from evil? And using his wife, a beacon of elegance and grace, to propagate their lies? It's sickening.

The list of outrages doesn't end there: 'Alyssa Milano responds to backlash after she requested money for son’s baseball trip'. These leftist hypocrites swarm in Hollywood, preaching their socialist propaganda and asking for handouts while sitting on millions. Perhaps if Milano wanted to do anything useful, she could contribute to the wall that our savior, Donald Trump, promised us, rather than gallivanting off on frivolous sports jaunts.

And what about 'Vince McMahon resigns from WWE following allegations of sexual misconduct'? More proof that the left will stop at nothing, even ruining a man's career, just to push their deranged feminist agenda. I wouldn't be surprised if these allegations are conjured up by some witch casting spells, just like the ones that tried to hex me!

My fellow patriots, the onslaught from the radical left grows daily, proposing vaccination mandates while casting spells on us, bringing in illegals to replace us, and driving us towards financial ruin and rebellion. We must stand strong and fight, for if we don't, the ruthless burning destruction of Sodom awaits us. That's no hyperbole - it's the reality that Stew Peters and OANN have been warning us about! Stand with me, with Trump, and with God. After all, what is at stake is nothing less than our America, our freedom, and our Christian way of life.