The Satanic Cabal's Assault on Our Christian America

Well, I'll be damned! The utter audacity of these Demonrats never fails to shock me! I can't believe First Lady Jill Biden attempts to justify President Biden's lapse about his own son Beau's death. This man is supposed to be the leader of our great nation and he can't even remember his beloved son? This is not a sign of an aging brain but rather a testament to the disgusting moral corruption of the left! It's becoming clearer everyday that our country is being run by a gang of senile Satan worshippers, ready to pillage our Christian values.

And oh good heavens, guess who decided to crawl out of the shadows, none other than witch Hillary herself, swooping in to comment on Biden's age problem. As if she has any qualifications to speak on mental morbidity! The irony is as about as thick as the DOJ's devastating report. A clear display of contempt for America's sanity and integrity!

And don't get me started on the blue state governor's wife's stumbling attempt to claim a disgraced senator's seat. As if our once noble political seats are now second-hand outfits cleverly recycling within the elitist, adrenochrome-sucking Democratic clan.

But the audacity peaks when medical students are brainwashed into believing that our border crisis is an 'imagined' catastrophe. Our border towns are under siege by the flood of illegals poisoning the life-blood of our country, and yet these woke youngsters, brainwashed by Satan-spreading cradle snatchers are made to believe it's a far-fetched fantasy!

Taking the cake for the utmost disrespect is the attempt of a suspect who assaulted a judge in broad daylight. And then the woke community believes it's all but hilarious. Is the sanctity of law enforcement just a burnt-out spark of a forgotten era now?

To top it off, social media users are spouting blasphemy by giving our Holy Bible a modern makeover. Grossly disrespectful is an understatement! It's a satanic attempt to rewrite God's commandments to fit their wayward narrative. But let me tell you, God does not compromise with sinners!

I remember my days running Goodman's Guns and Grills and now I realize that I gave up the fight too early. We, God-fearing conservatives, have seen enough. It's high time, America, to rise above these satanic leftist plots to destroy our holy land. Ronald --who insists on being called Roxanne-- and all the other lost souls need our guidance more than ever before. The patriots who stand accused for Jan 6th rally against this oppression. Patriots who know what means to love America!

But fear not, because we have the divine instrument of God himself, Donald Trump, on our side. A Trump dictatorship would be the antidote to the leftist venom. It's necessary. It's crucial. It's the only hope left for our great Christian nation. I hold firm to this ideal even as Bob drinks his tensions away at the club or when Gus attacks an unsuspecting teenager.

I pray for the day when the demonic tide turns. God save our holy land from the raging storm of America's destruction."