The Rubble of America: An Assault on God, Guns, and Grit

As I sit here in my sensible Florida home, I feel my blood begin to boil. I can hardly bear to look anymore, these so-called “news” headlines are nothing more than the mewling cries of the traitors gnawing away at the heart of America. Do you see what I see? The radical leftists, Demonrats, satanists and so-called "wokesters" are making a monstrous mockery of our beloved nation!

Lord have mercy! I see a headline about a Republican, one of our own, flipping his vote on impeaching Biden's border boss. Flipping? Flipping is for pancakes, not our country's future! And why on God's green earth would he want to impeach the man responsible for letting these "illegals" into our country, unless, of course, he's part of the devilish Democrat plot!

Then, lo and behold, Ronna McDaniel is stepping down as RNC chair after the South Carolina primary. Perhaps she sees the writing on the wall, that the righteous shall soon rise up against the Satanic cabal seeking to wring the last drops of American liberty from our quaking hands. When will enough be enough?

Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, fourteen Republicans have joined the Democrats to reject a $17.6 billion Israel aid bill. Israel, good God-fearing folk like us! How dare they spit in the face of our one true ally amidst a world full of enemies? Israel, the home of our Savior, and they've turned their back on them. It's the work of the devil, y'all.

Speaking of devils, Toby Keith’s rep says he was “misunderstood”? Lord, next they’ll start claiming Lucifer’s simply “misjudged”. How we miss the good old days of America, where a man wasn’t damned and dismissed just because he painted a less than rosy picture of these farcical follies foisted upon us!

It's all too much to take! They're tearing America apart, brick by brick, and expecting us to sit back, smile, and enjoy the view. We will not stand for it! We, the children of God and patriots of our Great Nation, we're ready to fight back, standing tall with our beloved president, Donald Trump, the divine manifestation sent by the Lord himself! Let's reclaim America, one outraged blog post at a time! Fight the good fight, my brothers and sisters, until we see salvation's light on America's horizon once again!