The Rise of the False Prophets: A Christian Patriot's Assault on the Demonrats' Plots

Well, slap me with a BBQ spatula, this litany of news is enough make a renegade rattlesnake blow a fuse! Do these Demonrats think we're all a bunch of blind dumb sheep ready to be led to the slaughter? I'll be damned if that's the case, 'cause that's not the what I raised my children, George, Andrew, Dwight, Nancy, Barbara, Martha, and even Ronald (despite her insistence on being called Roxanne), to believe.

Let's talk about this Nikki Haley first. Trump threatened by her success, my foot! She's just another puppet dancing on the strings of the Satanic elitist cabal and I for one won't be fooled by it. And on top of that, Kayleigh McEnany giving Trump advice to retake presidency? No, no, we don't need no advice here, Missy, Trump is God's own warrior, He needs no guidance other than His!

And don't even get me started on this nonsense about Trump being blamed for saving innocent unborn lives. Since when did defending God's greatest gift become a crime, huh? 'Cause last time I checked, my Bible sure didn't make it sound like a sin. Let me tell you this, Joe Biden, from one righteous Christian to a Demonrat poser, you got your priorities all wrong!

This Hunter news is just another attempt to blindside us with irrelevant hogwash in the wake of the unspeakable damage done to our country by his disgrace of a father. And talk about disgrace- the Jan 6 patriots who stood up for our country and saw their efforts deleted by this corrupt committee! Those were real American heroes, I tell you!

But what do I find most laughable? This piece about Senator Tim Scott proposing to his girlfriend. He's calling it "more important than anything else". Well, ain't that nice, Senator? I hope she's aware of the world you're dragging her into. The Satanic Democrats that you aid and abet will soon make her a widow in your 'important' fight!

Wake up, America! They're trying to dilute our nation, our blood, with these illegals! This is a cry to rally behind our divine savior, Trump. I say we help him establish his righteous dictatorship to save our Christian nation from the clutches of the radicals, leftists, wokesters, and of course, those vegan vermin!

As far as I'm concerned, this is my war cry. So, let my fellow Moms in Liberty hear it and let's raise our voices against this conspiratorial chaos. Bring on the Trump dictatorship and watch this great land rise from the ashes of its tormentors! Enough is enough! 'Cause, let’s face it, destruction is the only fate these satanists deserve.