The Radical Left and the Demise of True Patriotism

Once again my dear friends, the underhanded deceit of the Demonrats and their leftist cohorts is on full display in today’s headlines! I laid my eyes upon them and found my blood boiling at the sheer audacity of these vermin! My sincerest apologies for the late blog post, couldn't find the remote to turn off the news - Gus had made a particularly appetizing snack out of it, again. I swear, Gus has an uncanny ability to choose the worst times to give into his electronic cravings.

*Trying* to decipher the puppet speak coming from KJP after deciphering Gus's remote-control-eating schedule, was nearly too much this morning! Much like their beloved "Biden's economy", their claims are nothing more than smoke and mirrors designed to hide the truth from true Americans like us. Let me assure you, any perceived fact-checking is nothing more than liberal propaganda.

As for the victory coming out of Houston, let's just bask in this moment of triumph! The defeat of Sheila Jackson Lee, the Demonrat incumbent, shows that we, the true patriots, still have a fighting chance to reclaim our beautiful country. I so wish dear Bob could share this joy with me, but alas, he is off squandering what's left of our retirement on rounds of golf and boozy lunches.

Then, the icing on the demonic leftist cake, UPenn loses another of their so-called elites, this comes on the heels of their President's departure. More proof, if you needed it, of the rot that is deep within our education system. I shudder to think about my seven patriot-named children exposed to such indoctrinatory nonsense. Well, all except Ronald - pardon me, "Roxanne" - who chose the path of detachment from the family values a little too seriously I reckon.

Now for the best part my fellow patriots, exactly what purpose do these headlines serve? They are here to distract us from the real issues: The persecution of Christians, the illegals flooding into our nation, and the tyranny of the so-called Biden administration. We cannot let them win!

ACTION! We must storm the city council meetings, school board meetings, and flood our local representatives with messages and calls. We must expose the satanic cabal that spies on us through our children's textbooks. Beware the infiltration of the Beatles mindset; remember, they were the four horsemen of the apocalypse who signaled the fall of our society to the godless communists. If John Lennon had his way, "Imagine" would become the national anthem!

Stand strong, and let's reclaim our great nation from the clutches of the leftist vermin. THIS IS A CALL TO PATRIOTS – TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY!