The Radical Demolition: How the Left, Wokesters, and Satanists are Dismantling Our Great Nation

Darn those Demoncrats! As if it isn't enough they've succeeded in stealing our election from our rightful president and God-sent messiah, Donald Trump, they are now cozying with no-good, Dem mayors under suspicious FBI investigations. My blood boils with a rage hotter than the grills I used to sell back in the day.

Under our noses, they terrorize us, the true Americans, those of us not blinded by their demonic allure. What are they planning? Telecom towers going out of order, AT&T, and other users nationwide suffering inexplicable outages. Is it just me or is it mighty convenient for them? It reeks of a larger scheme to silence us freedom-loving citizens.

Can you imagine what they have in store for us? Let me tell you! They plan to trap us in technologic free zones, becoming clay in their wicked hands, easy to shape and control. They’ll bombard us with their invasive new-world policies and wokester propaganda.

Even the great old American pastime baseball isn’t spared! A new jersey design is only the beginning. Before long, they'll force kneeling during national anthems and pushing anti-protesters into oblivion.

Oh, and how could I forget their damning attempt to disqualify our fearless warrior, Fani Willis, from the Trump Georgia case? No better proof of their rotten, apple core, hard at work!

They've blinded the fantastic American figure skating legend with their vile narrative. She’s diddly squat against their wickedness, contemplating not treating her third brain tumor diagnosis. Only adds to the mounting evidence of their obscene plot to dismantle Christian fighters, one pillar at a time.

I tell you, this ain't just about me, ol' Shelly Goodman, cranky retiree from Villages, Florida, owner of seven patriot-named offspring. This is about the future of our once serene existence, about our stand as God-fearing, liberty-loving citizens.

Call me a crackpot, a conspiracy theorist, or that old nut down in Florida – but mark my words, these demons are behind this radical leftist attempt to destroy America. Yet, despite their cunning, they underestimate us. We are America, and we will stand tall, waving our flags high in the face of adversity. For God, freedom, and Donald Trump!