The Pulled Strings Behind the Puppet President – America's Downfall

The headlines today are livid as the Biden administration writhes its way through another day of lies and mental fog, was anyone expecting anything less? Our impostor President can't even remember when he was Vice President, let alone when his own son died, and yet these radical leftist vermin insist that this puppet head should remain in office. ‘How dare he’, indeed, how dare the special counsel shine a light into the murky waters of a man who could only dream of being half the leader Trump was!

Biden 'willfully retained classified documents’, showed a 'poor memory’ - this man is more dangerous than a loose cannon on a stormy sea, and yet we are told to stomach this liar as our legitimate leader. When Trump faced similar allegations, the Demonrats stormed the gates screaming for justice. Yet now the shoe is on the other foot, not a peep is heard from their side. If this isn't a show of pure hypocrisy, then I've made seven batches of biscuits from gravy!

It's high time Biden’s Cabinet followed suit with the statesman calling for his removal. His mind is as clear as a Florida swamp, and just as deadly. Nikki Haley wants a mental test for Biden, and damned if we don't all agree. The man could lose himself in a round room!

Even the news about J.J. Watt is veiled with deceit - enticing the man out of retirement. Sniffing around like vultures, are these the same manipulative tactics they used to string up their puppet President? Look over there, folks, while we quietly prepare these Kentucky mothers' terrifying nightmare in the Bahamas. An almost completely unrelated event, or another cog in the wheel of their grand corruption machine?

The Democratic elites and their Satanic cohorts continue their assault on this great nation's fabric, choking out the values and beliefs of loyal, hardworking Americans for their twisted agendas. Like my loyal pup Gus against unfamiliar children, we must bare our teeth against these invaders. The America I know and love, the land I fought for, serving choose-your-own-method-of-grilling patriots at Goodman's Guns and Grills, will not quietly succumb to their machinations.

To my fellow patriots, brace yourselves against the onslaught of the left. Stand guard against the radical brainwashing that these elitists wish to impose on our children. Look to leaders like Trump, who unmasked their treacherous plots and dared to face their scorn. It is us, the God-fearing Christians, who will endure. Let our strength emulate that of my tough Ronald who, despite venturing into the pit of progressive San Francisco, remains undefeated (albeit completely misguided). They may persecute us now, they may have their wicked designs poised to take flight, but by God's grace, we will rise against them!