The Perils, Ploys, and Possessions of a Demonrat America

Can you believe this horse malarkey that the lamestream media is spewing?! New Hampshire's governor is actually endorsing Nikki Haley over our beloved Donald Trump, clearly part of the Demonrat strategy to disrupt the political continuity of our glorious Republican Party. And let's not forget Biden's audacious disregard for White House reporters! Laughing and ignoring their questions like a schoolyard bully - so much for transparency in politics. And they wonder why we think he stole the election?!

And the Israel situation, what a scary showcase of what happens when God's wrath falls upon a nation. We REALLY don't need that kind of Divine intervention here, folks, especially after declaring that Israel will not be able to escape God's wrath. Clear as day, that guy had a heart attack right after saying it! Can’t the leftists see the in-your-face message God is sending?!

Then, flipping through this gawd-awful news, we lose a tremendous actor, André Braugher from ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’, while Kamala Harris loses her cool during a speech. Why in Sam Hill is this woman even allowed to talk?! Oh, but don’t get me started on that iPhone nonsense. How about instead of worrying about 'security upgrades,' we start worrying about the security of our nation from the inside?!

Now, onto my beloved daughter, Nancy. This poor child has been possessed by a demon, for Pete's sake! Speaking all sorts of Latin and Aramaic, her voice changing along with levitating about like we’re in some horror movie. This is no coincidence. This horrible reality has been unleashed by the cursed leftist, satanist Demonrats, I tell you!

So, patriots, I implore you, we must reclaim our country! Remember the old proverb 'The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world?' Well, it's time to do just that. Stand against these ills shrouding our nation. Rise up against the leftist globalist conspiracy against our freedom and our rights, against our beloved children. Break from the shackles of this COVID vaccine deceit. Unmask the elite Demonrat cabal.

And for heaven's sake, do whatever you can to keep Gus from eating your remote controls so we can keep abreast with OANN and Newsmax. Let’s burn that midnight oil, my fellow patriots, before the light is completely snuffed out! Stand up, America! Don't let this great nation fall into the hands of these Demonrats!