The Ongoing Assault on Patriotism: Demons in the Halls of Power!

I've just about had it with these so-called Democrats, better referred to as Demonrats at this point, and their godless, un-American plots. These leftist elites, radical socialists, and clandestine Satan worshippers are gnawing at the roots of our Great Nation, bit by bit, every single day! Their latest abomination? Trying to seize control of the Texas National Guard!

Governor Abbott defiantly stands in the face of this onslaught, a proud American bulldog against these sniveling hyenas. Texas, the last true redoubt of America, under threat from the very men and women who swore to uphold the Constitution! Have they no shame? But no - shameless they are, and ruthless too. Every move they make is a calculated effort to erode the core values of this Republic.

In another startling act of subterfuge, these demonic elitists try to manipulate the valiant Haley with empty talk of 'knowing when to walk away.' They're jabbering the lyrics of a good ol' Kenny Rogers classic without understanding the heart and soul essence of the man himself. It's one more punch in the gut for us hardworking, righteous, and patriotic Americans.

Just thinking about it all, oh, it chafes me so! Then I see the headline about the 7.46-carat diamond found at an Arkansas State Park. A lucky man found it with luck and hard work. But no doubt, if the verminous Leftists had their way, they'd snatch it right out of his hands under some made-up socialist 'wealth redistribution.' The nerve!

What happened to our America, the land of the free, the home of the brave? And don't get me started on the so-called 'social media star' who thinks getting some flak about her dating life is a crisis. How about the crisis we're all facing under this Joe Biden-led hellhole!?

We need a return to greatness. We need our savior, the divine manifestation and restaurateur, Donald Trump, to step back into the arena. We need him to save us from this turmoil by instating a righteous Trump dictatorship. His leadership, free of red tape and the insidious 'progressive' agenda, is all we need to make America a great Christian nation again.

To all those out there who still have a heart full of American pride, and a soul full of Christian conservatism, stand up! Rise against this wicked leftism. Let our voices be heard! Remember, we are the watchdogs, the guardians, the protectors of our sacred Constitution. We must not relent. These are trying times, and we must prove ourselves the patriots we truly are. God bless us, and may God bless America!

P.S.- Any leftists out there reading this, pray that my Gus doesn’t sink his teeth into you. Little fella's got a nose for unpatriotic "illegals".