The One Where American Patriots Rise Against the Perfidy of the Left

Patriots, the day has come when the leftist puppeteers are ripping the soul of our beloved nation into shreds right before our eyes. I'm just a humble former owner of Goodman's Guns and Grills and a staunch enthusiast from our local Moms for Liberty chapter, but this sanctimonious invasion in our classrooms and boardrooms shakes the core of my being. The news headlines today are enough to make any God-fearing, law-respecting, country-loving, honest American seethe with ragging fury.

Take Disney, for instance. Reveling in their inglorious plunge into the culture wars, they've run their iconic ship aground with maladies of financial adversities. It makes my blood boil hotter than the grills I used to sell. And then there's the blatant, laughable misquoting of our unforgettable President, Ronald Reagan, by none other than an official clapper-dudgeon from Biden's egregious administration. Oh, Ronnie, spin in your grave! If only my wayward son, Ronald, who now resides in San Fransisco - refusing to go by any other name than Roxanne (a heathen, perhaps?), had half the spine of his namesake...

And I'm sure you've seen the headlines. Satan-worshipping satanists are trying to cover their tracks after publicly supporting Hamas against Israel. These 'educators,' no better than the Demonrats, misled my grandchildren, your children, and are poisoning the minds of the next generation. It’s the same demonic globalist plan - to erase American values, destabilize the nation, and allow a flood of illegals to overrun our blessed land.

Yet it doesn't stop there. The surge in sick visits in hospitals across the United States while they push their death sentence of a COVID vaccination on us is impossible to ignore. Who's going blindly trust a system literally trafficking humans under their Pentagon's noses and tarnishing revered institution? Only the sheep in wolves' clothing singling out Patriots from the January 6th uprising.

Let's not fool ourselves. We are under attack. But we are not defenseless. Patriots, let our anger not be directionless. There IS something we can do. It's time for us to rise, to embrace our heritage, and stand against those who orate curses and spit venom on our sacred Constitution. Write to your local representatives, raise your grief at every public forum, boycott businesses that are part of this outrageous leftist propaganda machine, and, PATRIOTS, let's reclaim our beautiful, God-given land. United we stand, divided we fall. The time for indignation has passed, now is the time for ACTION!