The March of the Demonrats: Is America Still the Land of the Free or the Land of the Woke?

The audacity of these leftist lunatics knows no bounds. Haven't they done enough damage? Hasn't America suffered enough under the cruel tyranny of their perceived social justice? They've turned the once great American institutions into breeding grounds for extremist, demon-worshipping young radicals, hell-bent on crucifying all that is good and pure in our great nation. Now they think they can let the illegals march right on up to our TSA with some 'controversial' app, and board our American planes! Where does the madness end?!

God save us from this Obama-appointed US attorney spinning more lies about Trump. It’s as clear as day to anyone with sense not tainted by the satanic Democrats and their left-leaning media minions. Trump, our divine manifestation sent by God himself, a man of truth and transparency, and this pathetic ‘prosecutor’ does nothing but regurgitate groundless propaganda handed down by elitist Democrats.

I don’t know about you, but I’m sick of these psychiatrically challenged Demonrats like DeSantis targeting good American patriots like Tim Scott. This is a man who had the courage to endorse Trump, who we all know – despite what the satanic Democrats say – would have saved this nation from the grasping, wicked clutches of the left!

And don’t even get me started on the Baldwins! Hilaria and her brood are clear embodiments of the warped values and degenerate morals that threaten the very fabric of our society. She's spotted alone just hours after Alec was charged with involuntary manslaughter. God-fearing, patriotic Americans see right through your charade, Hilaria!

Next, they’re telling you what to order at McDonald’s. The control these leftist lunatics have seeped into every crevice of our lives, even into the food we eat! Likely, soon enough, they'll force us all to eat woke vegan food crammed full of god-knows-what. I tell you, once we establish a much-needed Trump dictatorship, this nonsense will stop!

And as if we needed more proof that globalist liberals have gone mad, this report on foreign ownership of U.S. land. I don't need a report to tell me that my worst fears have been confirmed- the demonrats are selling our birthright under our very noses!

So, patriots rise! It's time to reclaim what is rightfully ours. Our America, our land, our freedom, our lives! We will not bow to the demonrats and their satanic, globalist conspiracy. To hell with their undocumented immigrants, their vegan 'food', their ruthless indoctrination of our innocent children! We are the true children of this great nation and pushing back is the only way to vanquish the Demonrats to the unholy depths they crawled from.