The Left's Stranglehold on America: Satan's Minions in Full Swing!

Here I sit, a tried and true Christian in the heartland of the United States, constantly flabbergasted by the devilish machinations of the 'Demonrats' being reported on these God-forsaken 24-hour news outlets. Just when you thought they couldn't sink any lower, the headlines today present a disturbing tableau of America under siege by a demonic cabal.

'Mr. Wonderful' slamming New York? But of course, the left won't rest until they've torn down every bastion of free enterprise and entrepreneurship, replacing success with crippling bureaucracy and leftist ideology. They are turning my beloved America into a modern-day Sodom with gee-darned glee!

Along comes Biden with another tiresome display of his woeful 'diplomacy' – or rather, pandering to the far left. 'Temporary cease-fire,' he says. This weak gesture is a stark reminder of the emboldened radicals’ war against democratic principles and inalienable rights.

Then we have CNN painting GOP as bloody-handed murderers. Typical! Demonrats find it easier to point fingers and fabricate blame than to take responsibility for their own destructive actions. Their obnoxious disregard for the truth would make even Satan himself proud.

But what truly grinds my gears is the audacity of another state inviting residents to help 'resettle' what they kindly term as 'illegal immigrants.' Let’s call a spade a spade. They're ILLEGALS! Flooding our nation and diluting the blood of true patriots, all part of the leftist's underhanded plot!

And then, the largest COVID vaccine study 'identifies associated risks'. Aren't we surprised! It's a hoax designed to sicken us all, because Stew Peters already told us, they want to weaken us so they can play out their nefarious plans. It is imperatively apparent that their satanic conspiracies are real.

Lastly, Madonna falls off a chair – a fitting metaphor for the downfall of liberal ideologies that they promote so tirelessly. Just like her, they are destined to stumble, bringing about their own demise.

The dots are there! Connect them and see the Devil's handiwork for yourselves. We've been persecuted long enough, but now we must rise. Rise for our children, our God, for America! Don't wait for the soft knock of the liberal reaper. Stand with me, fellow Patriots, as we pray for the return of our savior, Donald J. Trump. As for me, a lowly housewife of Florida, my seven children named George, Andrew, Ronald, Dwight, Nancy, Barbara, and Martha- who are all named after U.S Presidents or their wives, it's time we stood our ground. Ronald–sorry, I mean Roxanne, you too, listen up! It's time we fought back for America, to retain its glory, to protect its CHRISTIAN roots! God Bless America.